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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: October 21st, 2023


  • I understand what you are saying, I’m just saying I disagree. I think that’s a personal issue. I mean if you’ve played the games before and read it all sure, it’s gonna be harder to want to stop and smell the roses, and that’s fine, you enjoy it in a different way. But you can still make time to fall into a game the way you did before, just gotta try a little bit and you’ll be surprised at how easy it is to get drawn in the same way.

    I’m in my 30s and when I play a new game I do that, I read all the little books in BG3, I visit all the extra hidden spots I can find in things like breath of the wild, and yeah I’ve played mass effect before, have a good chunk of it memorized, so I don’t play it the same way, but if I had never played it before I would play it the same way. Just got to take your time when you have it.

  • Honestly digital for me all the way, of course I object to some of the questionable delicious by some companies regarding taking away digital owned media, but as long as it’s not an issue digital.

    I’m a very indicisive person and it’s so much better to just be able to switch the game without getting up and going halfway across the room, going through the process of putting it back in the case and taking a new one out until I figure out what I want to play.

  • My boyfriends grandmother loves to watch shows like ancient aliens and stuff. Normally I just ignore them as background noise, but sometimes I’ll catch something, shake my head and move on.

    One time though she was watching the one with William Shatner, unexplained mysteries I think it’s called. And the person Shatner was talking too said “and there is no way we could build the pyramids today” and Shatner just said nodded and then said “why?” The guy mean mugged the shot outta him and they cut to a commercial. When it came back they were talking about something else. Really made me laugh.

    But like fr though, bass pro shop built a pyramid, we build crazy skyscrapers and have hundreds of building styles all over the world, I’m sure we could build a pyramid today if we had too.