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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 12th, 2023


  • … I had an IT tech from our old MSP tell me her knowledge/recommendation of ABP is what got her the job.

    I knew her boss, and doubt that was the reason (probably more because she was cheap entry level labor), but that some people have that take in a professional setting shocked me. I don’t think your ad-blocker recommendation will ever be what lands you a job, but I do think it’s possible for it to be the reason you don’t get a job.

  • My typical recommendation would be:

    Normie: uBlock Origin

    Techie: uBlock Origin + uMatrix

    Security Critical/Paranoia/Just Hate Yourself: uBlock Origin + uMatrix + NoScript

    I use the last option at work, and the middle option at home, and the first option for my wife’s computer.

    For me, a lot of it isn’t about ads, it’s more about the security risk of cross site scripting. Typically, if I’m visiting a site, I probably trust it, but I have no trust for people they sell ads to. I don’t mind sites I trust having a few non-intrusive ads, but of course that’s not the reason I use blockers; if a site has so many ads it is unusable, I just don’t ever visit it again (plenty of 'don’t show articles from ’ flags in my google news feed for this very reason. I’ll never know if you redeem yourself, because I will just never visit your site again.).

  • I keep hearing ‘sanctions arent working’.

    And every now and then I see things about them working; it’s almost like sanctions are a long game that don’t immediately show all the results in want within 3 months, and you need to keep them up long term. That said, of course when some don’t comply with those sanctions, it will permanently alter the landscape as the sanctioned try to work around them. Russia’s movement toward the Yuan, and reliance on China and N. Korea are not going to be undone anytime soon, if ever.

    Pre-Ukrainian invasion, 1 USD was ~78 Russian Rubles. Now, that 1 USD is valued at 92 Rubles. After the start of the war, the Ruble lost a lot of value immediately, but appears to had gained value for a few months, and has steadily decreased in value as the sanctions drag on, and seem to have semi-stablized at a much lower value than going into the war. As a generalization, it appears looking back to 2003 (max on the chart i’m looking at), as Putin’s leadership drags on, the Ruble has steadily decreased in value (in 2003, it only took about 30 Ruble to value 1 USD). Looking at other major economic powers in the world is like looking at an inverse chart, where their currencies have increased in value against the USD consistently.

  • You said you are ‘in the EU’, as in currently living in the US for said job?

    Are you considered an independent contractor? Or an actual employee of the company?

    As a US citizen… I would just advise EU citizens to ‘in general’ avoid working for US companies, we have bad employment policies, and our companies think they can just do the same things in other countries. Obviously everyone should choose for themselves; if you think the extra income is worth it, that is your call, but our work culture is awful.

    At the very least, if you do decide to work for a US company… keep it remote. Cost of living in the US is really high, work culture is awful, it’s dangerous, and healthcare costs are crazy. Unless your household is making at least $150k USD/year, you’ll be considered poor to middle-class.

  • Wasn’t there a video a while back of a presentation that OOP was created as a joke or something, and the person was surprised people were taking it seriously. Might have been advertised as the creator or OOP.

    I took the video as a joke anyways, not a serious thing, but who knows. I don’t even remember if it was OOP, or some other paradigm, or language, or who knows what else.

    If anyone could find/link to it, I’d love to watch it again, but I’m having no luck; so my memory may be faulty.

  • All for reducing copyright to 25 years or less.

    DMCA… I’m a bit fuzzy on the details, been a while, and the media mostly talks about DMCA take down notices. DMCA includes the clauses that prevent people from tinkering and modifying things they bought/own if manufacturers put any preventative measures in place right (including repairing)? If so, I’m fully up for revisiting that.

    But never, NEVER, NEVER touch Section 230. And anyone attacking it is likely being disingenuous , or doesn’t really understand how Section 230 and the internet work (and are unlikely to write better legislation).