I exist or something probably

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 8th, 2023


  • With about a half an hour of reading documentation it became very clear a couple versions ago what work benches were, which were useful to me, and how to use them. That’s maybe longer than going from inventor to solidworks or visa versa, but hardly that bad. For a beginner it will be taking a long time anyway and there will be essentially no difference, except that you’ll learn a much more robust understanding of how parametric modeling works.

  • It has everything to do with tech literacy. Understanding how to use technology includes the consequences of that use.

    Sure I’ll take the discussion more seriously: I don’t know what your experiences were and im sure you have valid reasons to be upset. But your comment makes no indication of these experiences, and I’m not expecting you to share them, you make no indication of wanting to.

    Projecting those traumas into a cudgel with which to judge strangers harshly on a whim however is going to be behavior that gets pushback. I don’t think that child has unloving parents, nor deserves to be taken to a new family because the parents made a mistake they clearly learned from. I think they broadly reacted well to the situation in a system (surveillance capitalism) which does a poor job, possibly an actively malicious job, of educating people about the downsides of existing in and using features of that system. Maybe they, if digging deeper, have failed to learn or are in fact unloving. But based on the information available, I don’t think that’s a fair assessment.

    I hope you are doing well and wish you luck handling your past and your goals related to it.