• 26 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.

    But also, it would be nice to invest a bit more in science and engineering (with smaller class sizes, more educated teachers, and more hands on experimentation) rather than doing “teach the controversy” shit in auditorium sized rooms full of kids who have already been indoctrinated to believe in magic.

  • double tap is in fact a strategy Russia is using

    Hardly unique to the Russians. The “Collateral Murder” video of US war crimes in Iraq was from a helicopter employing a double-tap strategy on a group of civilians fleeing the area.

    Also popular in Gaza and Lebanon, as employed by the Israelis. And in the Philippines, by the government against insurgents. And in India during the invasion of Kashmir. And by the Syrian and Turks in their war on ISIS. And, and, and…

    Russia is a terrorist state, that must be stopped.

    War is the act of committing crimes unimpeded. All states engaged in war are in the act of committing terrorism. When you hear people talk about “necessary evil”, this is the evil their necessitating.

  • Out of the blue, some BBC executive or execs wanted to censor the sketch because of “its’ visual depiction of menstrual urine”.

    This feels like a Mitchel and Webb bit. Hell, if the censors burst into the scene carrying a big piece of blacked out cardboard to hold over the bottle, it would fit into the original Monty Python episode perfectly.

  • They are doing very well

    Its crazy to see people double down on this line two years into the conflict.

    Nobody is doing well. This is a war of attrition that’s ruining Ukraine’s interior, devastating its population, and obliterating its economy. The absolute best thing you can say about the conflict is that Russians are also losing lots of blood. But that puts the terms of “victory” entirely within the scope of “How many dead Russians have we produced?” rather than “How much of Ukraine is there left to save?”

    What they need is more weapons.

    Who is going to be using them?