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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • I believe the lack of charges for lying to Congress does lend a little credibility to the story he tells.

    The tobacco execs who testified to Congress that nicotine was harmless and non-addictive didn’t get charges, either. Does that lend credibility to the claim that cigarettes are good for you?

    Fuck no, it doesn’t. Because nobody has ever been charged for lying to Congress. Even when they’ve been bald-faced directly lying to Congress.

  • Probably has its roots from way back in the day so that women couldnt effectively run away from the men and get very far.

    Can’t speak to Muslim culture, but European culture way back in the day didn’t want women riding horses because of sex.

    There are a lot of branches on that tree, but the biggest one is that since horseback was believed to be capable of rupturing the hymen (hymen science has progressed quite a bit since I last looked into it, so I don’t know if that’s actually a thing), it was the same thing as having sex for women. They believed that women got sexual pleasure from it (which, I guess, was a bad thing), that they’d start craving horses as lovers instead of humans, and all sorts of weird shit that only twisted, perpetually horny dudes would think of.

    So the sidesaddle was invented. It allowed women to ride horses while, literally and figuratively, keeping their legs closed.

    Unfortunately, riding sidesaddle is a massive pain in the ass, so that fad didn’t last long. Maybe about fifty years or so of general popularity (because, obviously, you can still get a sidesaddle and learn to ride in it today, if you want, for whatever reason) over the course of all horse-domestication history.

    Of course, like so many things from European history, this primarily applied to rich/noble people. The poor didn’t have the luxury of giving a fuck about most of it.

  • I’ve got a friend who’s otherwise a great guy, but his anxiety disorder is just bonkers bad. Climate change is terrifying to him, so he copes by just straight-up refusing to believe that it’s a big deal. It can be solved by planting a bunch of trees, or spraying some kind of plastic particles into the atmosphere to reflect the sunlight (“It’s been tested in Alaska! It works! But the government shut it down!”), or by some as-yet-unrevealed technology that’s just around the corner.

    Also, he’s incredibly, unreasonably mad at Al Gore for making An Inconvenient Truth and will insist that he was wrong about literally everything and should never have opened his mouth.

    I have to make a concerted effort not to argue with him too much, because I’m pretty sure that if I actually convinced him, he’d self-harm out of fear of the future.

    I honestly think he’s just a more extreme, slightly-more-self-aware version of how most conservatives feel about the climate change issue. It’s scary, so it can’t be true.

  • I was planning a long road trip that I could have done all at once, but decided to break into two days with a hotel stay somewhere near the middle. I was on a bit of a budget, so when I found a room for ~$60, I was thrilled.

    When I got there, the shower handle was plumbed backwards (so the “Cold” direction was hot), the first towel on the rack had brown splatters that were very clearly old blood stains, and while I was showering a big roach wandered up onto the lip of the shower like “S’up, bro,” then meandered off like he did this sort of thing every day.

    The bed was about as cushy as a gym floor mat, the pillows were bricks, and when I sat down on the desk chair to put on my shoes, the whole thing just about collapsed under me.

    The review I left said: “The best $10 hotel room that $60 can buy,” and since then I just make all my road trips in one go if I can’t afford to spend at least $100 for a hotel room.

  • The way you’ve phrased the question, it sounds like you’re asking if we do it on the regular, like stepping on the scale or trying on old pants. Like it’s something we keep track off as a part of our routine.

    In which case, no. I do not measure my penis.

    I have measured my penis, once or maybe twice, back during the period of time I could reasonably expect it to still be working on attaining its final dimensions. Unsurprisingly, it turned out to be perfectly average.

    The question “Have you ever measured your penis?” will get you entirely different results than the question “Do you [‘do’ as in currently, in a continuing manner] measure your penis?”