Same is true for most houses though.
Same is true for most houses though.
It’s a sad fact that much of the problems people have with apartments is simply due to their low quality construction. It’s perfectly possible to build a sound-proof apartment.
Door’s Agar.
Mr. T famously advocated for people to not drop out of school with the phrase, “I pity the fool who don’t stay in school.” I always imagined him taking this to absurd degrees. I imagine him harassing and shaming people to endlessly stay in school until they’re enrolled in doctoral programs they have no interest in.
“Leave me alone Mr. T, I don’t want to do a post-doc!”
As far as I’m aware, the military, in the best case, will simply refuse to follow unlawful orders. There are formal processes to do so. That’s part of military culture and law. Whether that system will hold up to Trump is unknown. When he issues unlawful orders, will soldiers simply refuse to comply? Unknown.
But one thing is for sure. It’s not part of military culture to actively resist. There is no formal process for that to be protected or OK. That’s simply insurrection and rebellion.
Oh my God. This could be the greatest international publicity stunt/real life squid game possible!
Canada creates an annual contest. Contestants must be Americans without Canadian citizenship.
The task is simple. Consume as much poutine as you can in one sitting.
The sole winner of this eating contest gets automatic Canadian citizenship.
Learn Navajo and ancient Babylonian. Write everything in a custom pidgin of Mandarin, Navajo, and ancient Babylonian.
Not to be confused with aligning yourself with Poutine, which can only mean one thing - you’re undeniably Canadian.
We need to wipe them from existence.
Let every nation have a maximum wealth cap. 1000x the median national household income. Anything else is taxed at 100%. This cap in the US would be about $80 million today.
But if you’re somehow in flagrant violation of this limit? If your wealth is the equivalent of over one billion 2025 dollars? Unless you quickly earn a multi-billion fortune and immediate give it away or spend it, having a net worth over $1 billion will be a felony. It will be a capital offense. Oh you’re secretly billionaire, having hid your vast illegal fortune from the IRS? You are guilty of trying to amass a geopolitically-significant level of wealth. We’re going to treat this as seriously as we would someone who attempts to build their own personal nuclear weapons. Really, you are guilty of a form of treason. Except instead of aiding a foreign nation, you were trying to become a threat to your nation yourself. And the traditional penalty for treason will be applied.
This is the world we could have. We could, if we wanted it badly enough, simply make being a billionaire a capital offense. Force them to give away or spend most everything they have. Either way, given or spent, wealth is distributed enough so that no individual can threaten the nation through their own personal wealth.
It is time we wiped billionaires off the face of the Earth. No individual should ever be allowed to become so wealthy that they become a threat to nation states.
What if he dies via lightning strike?
They’re fascists. MAGA is a fascist movement. That’s the right word for them; they meet all the textbook definitions of a classic fascist movement. They aren’t looking for particular outcomes. They’re just looking for people to hurt. And they’ll just keep doing that until they’re forced out of power or the whole system collapses. If the Nazis had won and murdered everyone that lacked blond hair and blue eyes, soon enough they would have been killing people for having the wrong shade of blue eyes.
Palestine. Maybe not successfully, but note that the idea that Palestinians have the same natural right to armed self defense as any other group is completely absent from mainstream political discourse. Most simply cannot even comprehend that the Palestinians should have just as much right to kill to defend themselves as Israelis do. Partly this is due to colonialism. Part of it is classism. The violence of the Israelis is clean and high tech. The violence of the Palestinians is crude and performed with simple weapons. We judge the morality of violence based upon the wealth of the people committing the violence.
Mannheim Steamroller flattens crowd.
Ah yes, zip ties. I also carry them every day. Along with plastic sheeting, a machete, a shovel, and a bottle of moonshine.
Or better yet, a simple maximum wealth cap. No one should have more than 1000x the median household income. That’s the kind of fortune that even the most highly paid of doctors and lawyers, if they lived as absolute paupers and invested everything, would struggle to reach within their lifetimes. Even if you earned a salary of $1 million/year and lived like you were a broke college student, you would still be very unlikely to reach that level of wealth, even if you earned that salary from age 20 til death. The only way to amass that kind of fortune is through inheritance or through exploiting the labor of others.
We need a maximum wealth cap. 1000x median household income is incredibly generous, but it would still pale in comparison to even a single billion dollars. Currently, 1000x median household income would be a cap of about $80 million. A cap there still provides great incentive to work and innovate, but it prevents anyone from amassing such a fortune that they become a threat to their nation.
Instead of nine new justices, they were replaced with just one, the only good and just man in the nation, Keanu Reeves.
Apply to jobs in person. Attach your resume to a brick, and throw the employer’s front window.
If you live in an apartment, you can make your neighbors love you by making garum, an ancient Roman fish sauce, in a jar, indoors, in your apartment!
Instead of separating grocery stores by Vegetable, Dairy, etc, we should separate them into Dry Goods, Moist Goods, Wet Goods, and Iced Goods.
That…is quite the sentence!