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Cake day: August 16th, 2024


  • no and yes to that; there are tall people and small people, but that is usually not a medical condition.

    everyone is built the same. and certainly nobody is built to have life detrimental skin conditions; yes, severe gene defects exist. But if you are swaetting a lot and you stink like a skunk, there is a very good reason for it. and the reason is:

    something is hindering homöostasis to work properly- and that is usually a thing you ingested but don’t need, or a thing you did not ingest, but need. plus toxin exposure.

    what do I mean by that?

    Biochemistry works the same for everybody. it does not change to do something different, ever. Hormones are biochemistry.

  • addictedtochaos@lemm.eetoGreentext@sh.itjust.worksAnon scentmaxxes
    4 days ago

    now try doing that with hair. or your hands after vivisecting a corpse, and then delivering a baby. clean up feces and vomit, and then try to get rid of the smell without soap.

    every farm worker that works with life stock knows what i am talking about. ever worked on an engine, then tried to clean your hands with water or oliveoil?

    I guess the oil has merits, since certain oils DO have detergent properties.


    But if you’re looking to have your mind blown, take a shower and just scrub your skin with a brush, loofah or the palm of your hand and be amazed when you still get clean. If you’re really grimey, you can do what the Romans did and rub yourself with olive oil and scrape it off with a scraper before doing that.

    I will try that, thanks.

    You are right about one thing: if you are healthy, the skin will provide everything it needs to take care of itself. you ever wondered why kids don’t stink, have easy to wipe bottoms, and don’t need to wash their hair every day, and what have you? its because they are not yet broken like adults are. yes, it is also the hormones; but if you have an adult that really stinks up the place after taking a shover, chances are that their metabolism is out of whack; the skin is full of microorganisms, and they have a kind of balanced relation ship with the skin. if this gets thrown, certain microorganisms will overtake the others, and produce smells like crazy.

    As such, we had ways of dealing with that well before we had soap and people didn’t just immediately switch.

    That logic is hard to dismiss, that is sure interesting. you are absolutely right. I wonder what they did.

    Early soaps were used for the preparation of textiles rather than personal hygiene.

    I guess they used it to clean absolutely everything. because soap loosens up fatty bonds. thats why using disinfectant does not get rid of the dead bacteria; they are still on your hands, albeit dead. soap does not kill most of germs, but thy are unable to cling to the skin.

    I was in poor regions of africa multiple times; the poorest of the poor would use soap when they could. people are poor, but not stupid. if what you said would work, they would do it, but they buy soap instead.


    Roman Empire

    Pliny the Elder, whose writings chronicle life in the first century AD, describes soap as “an invention of the Gauls”.[22] The word sapo, Latin for soap, likely was borrowed from an early Germanic language and is cognate with Latin sebum, “tallow”. It first appears in Pliny the Elder’s account,[23] Historia Naturalis, which discusses the manufacture of soap from tallow and ashes. There he mentions its use in the treatment of scrofulous sores, as well as among the Gauls as a dye to redden hair which the men in Germania were more likely to use than women.[24][25] The Romans avoided washing with harsh soaps before encountering the milder soaps used by the Gauls around 58 BC.[26] Aretaeus of Cappadocia, writing in the 2nd century AD, observes among “Celts, which are men called Gauls, those alkaline substances that are made into balls […] called soap”.[27] The Romans’ preferred method of cleaning the body was to massage oil into the skin and then scrape away both the oil and any dirt with a strigil.[28] The standard design is a curved blade with a handle, all of which is made of metal.[29]

    The 2nd-century AD physician Galen describes soap-making using lye and prescribes washing to carry away impurities from the body and clothes. The use of soap for personal cleanliness became increasingly common in this period. According to Galen, the best soaps were Germanic, and soaps from Gaul were second best. Zosimos of Panopolis, circa 300 AD, describes soap and soapmaking.

  • yeah, I hate this play pretend stuff to get out of being judged.

    i recently realized that this could be masking, and i always did that, and I had completely false understanding about masking in autism.

    god, I had so many awkard situations with not recognizing people… and friends and family dont believe me, because sure, i recognize them.

    accepting my defects instead of being ashamed of them was very difficult. but it was the right path to go down, i am much happier then 10 years before.

  • my brother has the same thing, although the details are different.

    my mother would even buy him alcohol. they are in a symbiotic emotional abuse situation.

    she needs to keep him a child, and he wants to be safe and secure, but at the same time, it eats him up, since he also wants to be an independant man.

    so he needs his mother, but hates her at the same time.

    she needs someone to fuss about, since without it, she is nothing. she hated when the rest of us grew up.

    she overstepped boundairies countless times. phoned with schools, workplaces. hospitals. boyfriends from my sisters, multiple times. to involvee herself, get a hold on us, mend a broken relationship for us, make deals with school, what have you.

    I was 32, lying injured in bed, Nurse came in, phoning with mom. I grabbed the phone, screamed in red hot anger, and then forbid to staff and docs to communicate with her. they had to talk me down because i was shaking and could not calm down from the adrenalin rush.

    she made such a fuzz about me when I was laying in intensive care, that I threw her out of my room. I was sedated and on a breathing aparatus, but she made me so mad because of her way of treating me like a hurt child.

    she knew I hated that *hit. I told her a 1000 times. like my siblings also did.

    she always ingores that i AM autistic, and tries to get feelings out of that I don’t want to have.

    yep trauma response. i hafe the same thing.

    i love my mom, and I am deeply ashamed and sorry to have her blocked. but she harms me everytime I see her.

    I wil miss her and regret it all when she dies.

  • for sure, I just recently also turned geo location stuff of, even camera and microphone. I read a couple of articles that mentioned various issues with third parties listening to words, and what ever whattsapp does, i dont even want to know.

    i always said it was just conspiracy talk that this mirophone listens to us, but earnestly, why are so mamny apps connected to the microphone anyway?

    well. I have to delete my google account sooner or later. getting worse and worse prices onlineshopping is also a huge concern.

  • thanks a lot ;-)

    remember saying no has to have consequences!

    watch out for: friends don’t accept no, try to convince you (once in a while that okay… its hard to sniff out)

    people argue via the benefits YOU will have, without mentioning THEIR benefits, and you don’t even want the benefits they are trying to sell you

    you defend people in your friend group, people never defend you

    people always seem ok with interrupting you, no one bothers to put a stopgap in, so you can finish what you have in mind

    let people talk, while thinking. people will tell you who they are, but you have to give yourself space to really listen to them.

    mostly, their words dont fit into their actions.

    look out for key phrases - one might be: "So you are saying? " this is usually followed by a thing you did not say at all. another might be: “I am so sorry you feel that way.”

    train your self for these key phrases, ALARMS have to go on in your head. Have a script ready.

    What i do for the “so you are saying” is the following:

    I bid them politely and soft spoken to repeat the question, as soon as they are past 3 words, I interrupt them really loud and aggressive with:


    then I shut up and stare. I say nothing. the other guy has to say something first. it is a powerstruggle.

    You can’t do that with a pro, but most people are not used to that. A pro will see instantly see what is going on, and put you down, it is inevitable.

    learn in what situation you are in.

    combative, social, competetive, diplomacy or bartering. dont make my mistake, each and every situation was always social for me.

    other people dont perceive it like that.

    ok, I am glad you pulled yourself up by your bootstraps. (figure of speech)

    i had a hard time also. i whish you a good week!

  • yeah, you probably should read up on comorbidities of adhd and autism, there are A LOT.

    these things have scary names, and are described in a severe fashion, but you have to have your eyes open for mild signs, like reversing number sequencing, or reversing left and right. forgetting always the same 15 words.

    if you have lots and lots of these things, they start to really trip you up in daily life, and you are ashamed of your self all the time, or, i was.

  • thats because i experience that also, although it is not as severe as described in the wiki article.

    the biggest problem ist getting to know people, if i am not used to them, their speech sometimes is so muddled, I always wondered what was up with them, why were the speaking as they had hot potatoes in their mouth?

    turned out that if i get them to know more, their speech got clearer and clearer.

    well, and ten years ago, I realized It is my own odamn fault, got my autism diagnosis. also got problems with orientation (like, in a town), discalculia, mistaking left and right, not remembering the same couple of words again and again. problems with specific names (i switch up syllables, Diana turns into Adina, Jana. Nadia, Dana. stuff like that), reversing number sequences (had to quit my industry mechanic school because of this, the measurements are important…), reversing left and right

    and the absolute worst was driving alone on a road, nopbody around, i come up the the intersection, and I completely forgot wich side of the road I had to use. total blank. I could not say with which hand I write.

    this went on for 30 seconds, then it came back to me.

    quit driving because of this. oh, and I greatly misjudged speed and distance from the other cars. I was always driving mercedes automatics with sharp brakes, and turbo power, so i could relay on my brakes to stop, and on my engine to get away. drove automatic with tempomat and gps wa always on, that left my mind free to concentrate better on traffic.

    it aws a nightmare. Once i stopped driving, I quit drinking as well.

    I ride my bike now.

    ps; once i startd treatment with ritalin, lyrics in music became so much clearer, I misheard so many thing, I had no idea.

    oh, now you mentioned subtitles:

    yeah, subtitles sometimes makes the audio clearer, you dont really have to read the subtitles, just glance a bit at them, and your brain will get the right directions ;-)

    I think it got better and better though - as a kid, I resorted to lie that I was deaf on one ear, sou i could get people to repeat and repeat what they just said. still didnt get it sometimes, and just said “yes”, only to be exposed as an idiot once more.

    couldn not even read the clock with the 12 numbers, the round mechanical type. learned it at age 13 at the trainstation, because I absolutely had to learn it. took me months from first really trying it.