That’s a great point and a really low hanging fruit that would likely help with adoption and retention. The defaults weren’t great for me either.
That’s a great point and a really low hanging fruit that would likely help with adoption and retention. The defaults weren’t great for me either.
If people went as far as registering in a Lemmy instance, they clearly have some affinity towards the Fediverse. Getting through Fediverse to work nicely for them is what bridges the gap. It’s the same with anything people do. Better defaults is a trivial low hanging fruit that can help perhaps significantly.
There’s faster ways to get data. We can do a few surveys on existing users. We’ll get hundreds of responses easily. Perhaps multiple surveys, one for each setting.
Thank your for your service. 🙏 Building a community takes work. Let’s hope this one is more resilient to corpo-lobotomize than Reddit, Digg and Slashdot.
Why did you do that to yourself… 🥹
AFAIK the American plants use inputs from Taiwan. I don’t know what inputs exactly.
Interesting. They already make their motherboards in Vietnam.
With 2 disks that would be type mirror in ZFS-speak, completely built-in. Equivalent to RAID1 in terms of hardware fault tolerance.
You could do a 3-disk mirror or n-disk mirror really. The RAID5/6 rough equivalents are called RAIDzN where N is the number of disk failures they tolerate. E g. RAIDz1, RAIDz2, etc. You probably want a mirror unless you need more space than a single disk provides.
Yup, turn it on, let it do a scrub, then turn it off. I’d still use redudnancy though. Not merely to cover the case of the drive failing, but also to cover the bit rot use case. It’s exceedingly unlikely bits to rot at the exact same spot on two or more disks. When ZFS finds a checksum mismatch during a scrub (which indicates bit rot), it’ll be able to trivially recover the data from the drive where the checksum matches. It’ll then rewrite the rotten part.
JFC… This such a trainwreck…
ZFS with automatic snapshots and scrubbing. This will keep as many and as old snapshots as your like. It’ll ensure the files don’t rot. It’ll ensure the media doesn’t die, so long as you have enough redundancy and you replace disks as they die. This is what I’d trust for long term storage because I think I understand how and why it works. It should last as long as I feed it disks. If I delete something, I should be able to restore it from a snapshot. The hardware doesn’t need to be anything fancy. Just a Pi 4/5 with a couple of WD Elements would be fine. Could add more disks for more redudnancy. I’m running 2-disk residency.
You don’t have to touch the software if it’s not exposed to the Internet. Whatever works today on it will work 20 years from now, so long as the hardware works. A couple of spare Pis, SD cards and power supplies should let it last for decades.
Too good. I’m gonna change the title to it.
We don’t have any nuclear weapons.
Reminds me of illegal / semi-legal immigrant labor in US agriculture, US private prisons renting out prisoner labor to businesses. Also the Canadian temporary worker program to a lesser extent.
Copyright lobby begs to differ. 😂
Use Debian LTS or Ubuntu LTS (10 years support with free Ubuntu Pro). Turn on automatic unattended updates. Upgrade OS when you’re bored one of those years.
Uninstalled, thank you.
Well they haven’t seen much abuse yet. They just dodged a nice bump in inflation for a month.
Yup. We’re talking about it amongst us each in Canada.
Since the project is already okay with Github, perhaps a set of polls in Github with this feature, linked far and wide in Lemmy.