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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 7th, 2023


  • Comments like these are not only unhelpful, they hurt progress moving forward. Do you also apply this logic to domestic abusers (wouldn’t wife beaters just beat places you can’t see or use sexual assault? ), or speeders (won’t people just speed when no law enforcement are around?), or regular joe tax evaders? I’m going to assume not. It would be absurd to just thow up our hands and say “you know what? We’re never going to stop pedophilia, so lets put no laws or regulations in place to punish pedophiles.”

    I’m not going to claim that the original commenter’s solution is perfect or even very effective, but if we do nothing (and comments like yours are encouraging doing nothing) then the percieved problem will gwt worse. We reward the bad behavior and the bad behavior continues and gets worse. Something needs to be done whether it’s perfect or not. If you’ve ever created anything, especially something to be used or enjoyed by others, you know your first draft of it is shit. There are so many things that you couldn’t see until you put the work into it or release it to others and that’s okay. You learn, you revise, you plug the holes, you scrap and implement something new, you continue the process. The “rule of thumb” didn’t stop abuse, but it was a step. We still haven’t stopped abuse, but a lot of us keep plugging along, trying to stop it in our own ways (at individual, local, national, and international levels).

    If you do care about this and want to contribute, but don’t like the presented solution, offer up your own or maybe point to resources of those advancing a cause from a different angle. If you’re here to shit on ideas because you don’t care or are trolling and want to actively hinder discussion, you can fuck right off. If you are trolling I’m okay with the offchance the overall message is recieved by someone else who needs it.

  • I disagree. It’s not tech news. Twitter or X losing a few subscribers to mastadon or threads is a Sunday. And on Monday we’ll get an article about people moving in the other direction. Distilling entire categories of news to one person or company makes us less informed, not more. We’re just echoing the same talking points back and forth at eachother.

    I’m definitely not saying Elon or Twitter is NEVER tech news but, jesus, I don’t need or want to know about every tweet he makes and every shit he takes. I also don’t think these things shouldn’t be recorded in some way. But the magnitude it’s posted is straight up Elon worship whether you hate him or support him.

    I do what I’m able and willing by downvoting items that aren’t news or discussion-worthy and not interacting with those comment sections but there is just so much. Is there a place to just read news about technology and not tech business tweets turned into “news” stories? This is a genuine question if someone has info.

  • cvozbosher@lemmy.mltoLemmy Shitpost@lemmy.worldWorry
    1 year ago

    Same in Oregon. Never seen a “don’t rape your children” bilboard or “don’t shake a baby” bilboard. I do however see a lot of bilboards telling me how a 14 day conceived baby (fetus) has eyes, a beating heart, nails, and maybe a job with current labor laws being pushed. It’s wild how you can outright lie about that shit on a bilboard.

  • cvozbosher@lemmy.mltoGames@lemmy.worldGaming hot takes?
    1 year ago

    To maybe take this a step further. I think console (or PC or Mac for that matter) exclusives are fine for sone of the reasons you outlined. I see a lot of hate for this primarily among redditors. I do not feel like a console company paying a game developer or buying a studio to develop a game exclusively for them is bad for the industry. Especially if they’re doing it well. I recognize that there are companies out there that are using this method and harming the industry.

    Sony has been killing it in the exclusives department for years now and it’s honestly great to see. I have a buddy who works for one of their studios and it seems pretty good on their end too. They’re pretty hands off. The model seems to be to have talented developers put their vision on the Playstation and stay out of the way.

    For context. I don’t need to play EVERY amazing game. Nor do have the time.

  • Wow, you and the commenter above really sold me on it. That’s the way the internet was meant to be used. You go and search for shit. Not shit getting fed to you because “it totally matches up with other things you like”. I’ve hated these algorithms for so long. And for me personally completely misses the mark on what actually excites me. Instead it intentionally shows me bullshit that I will scroll through for hours or plaster my face in front of the second I have exactly 30 seconds of free time in my day. It’s fucking junk food.