I finished that one up last week and loved it! Might be my GotY, honestly.
Video Game Enjoyer, Systems Administrator, Community Manager and Moderator. More at delcake.com
I finished that one up last week and loved it! Might be my GotY, honestly.
After Unity’s clarifications, I’m honestly kind of expecting the old “null-route the web address in the HOSTS file” to be a valid method to prevent their installer from phoning home to increment the counter. It’s gonna be incredible if people start trying that just to frick with Unity.
The fact that we can even have this discussion should be proof enough to Unity that it’s a complete non-starter of an idea to let user behavior influence the developer bottom-line.
I saw that a short while ago and actually laughed out loud. The only thing left is to get the popcorn ready I guess because this is going to be hilarious.
Nah, it’s per device install. So unless you modify your PC enough to generate a different hardware fingerprint or go install a game on a fleet of laptops or something, most people won’t be running up that counter too much.
Apple: “I play Lawyer in attack position.”
It’s free for Apple honestly, just for unauthorized use of their trademark alone.