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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: April 23rd, 2023

  • The ethos of the fediverse (insofar as it’s completely free with no ads) won’t be sustainable at scale; income for continued development and support does need to be taken into account at some point, and that goes for servers, frontends, apps, etc. Funding from donations only gets you so far. We will have to talk about it some day.

    However, it is entirely too soon for ads and subscriptions. This feels openly and brazenly like talking advantage of Sync overly enthusiastic fanclub and the Sync name recognition. Get in early with a big name and start making money before any other big name apps like Boost are released.

  • The android community, especially on /r/android is/was intensely hostile towards Motorola for no good reason. It’s basically just a Pixel/Samsung circlejerk, anything less than a flagship from those line is spit on.

    Motorola’s lines have been very solid midrange phones, shipping with near-stock android, unlockable bootloaders, and just all around respectable specs for their price. They were also shipping aux ports/SD card slots for way, way longer than the others until very recently.

    And before someone says “update speed”, not everyone cares. Most just want something stable.