My friends suicide. His life has shaped my life in many ways. His death even more so. 10 years this month.
My friends suicide. His life has shaped my life in many ways. His death even more so. 10 years this month.
My absolute favourite is Spirit Island. A co-op game where you work together defending your island and kicking out explorers and settlers. Expanding your presence and getting new powers along the way. Every game with new combinations.
When we got the game we played this more than once every week for over a year. With each game taking 1-3hours with our playstyle. Sometimes longer with four players (but that’s partly because of not actively playing the game then). We play less now only because of moving with the renovation taking too much time.
Before I sit down on the toilet, I take a piece of toilet paper en wipe the brim. Not that it makes that much of a difference of how clean the brim is. But since doing that I ALWAYS notice if the roll’s nearly empty. It’s just the heads up you need to check stock and fix a new one before it’s too late.
Early 00’s I used to listen to my brothers playlist on Windows Media Player. One of the songs was a gloomy/trance(?) remix of classical music. He had named it (something) Beethoven mix.
On multiple occasions I tried searching for it. Both the mix and the original song to make the search easier. But since I’m not at home with classical music I couldn’t figure out either of them. Not sure if it even was one of Beethovens pieces.
Jack Black. Inspires people to do what they love. Really knows how to gave fun and doesn’t care if people think it’s weird. And despite a lot of banal poop, penis, sex humour in the Tenacious D songs, they changed some lyrics in live shows to swap genders. Great example of nonchelant emancipation and equality.