Lemmy users very biased link to article that isn’t nearly as biased as they are purposefully biasing.
Maybe this community needs stricter posting guidelines to avoid this sort of drivel?
Lemmy users very biased link to article that isn’t nearly as biased as they are purposefully biasing.
Maybe this community needs stricter posting guidelines to avoid this sort of drivel?
Except you can’t run it.
Every model You are downloading and running is simply just a checkpoint of llama…
Quit spreading that misinformation.
You, and the grand majority of everyone else, doesn’t have anywhere near the hardware to run the actual full deepseek model
This is a shit shit back to front now.
Wait wut?!?
Is there a source you can link to?
While there is a logical fallacy here I don’t think it’s a straw man.
It’s some form of two wrongs make a right.
Otherwise known by the modern term: Grifter
Kagi too.
I like the results, especially for research. Definitely worth it for me.
Better at what exactly?
This is the way.
I do this. PFsense DNS resolver, and have loopback enabled.
DNS for all the domains points at a reverse proxy (Caddy) that handles valid HTTPS termination. So all my services have valid HTTPS certs, and devices on my network can access them normally.
Not a helpful take TBH.
Canva is crazy easy and convenient. That’s what they built their business on being.
People can complain about the products they like getting worse, that’s how change happens, that’s how people get motivated to make alternatives…etc
Welcome to the day and age where courts have all the power :/
Like ~95% of the rest of the internet that uses cloud infrastructure.
Google, AWS, or Azure
What is your point?
I think you’re being intentionally obtuse here and betraying the spirit of the question?
Your meta analyzing the question instead of just taking the questions as it is, and in the process failed to actually address the core question. It’s a hypothetical scenario where most of our radio communication is jammed and unusable.
The mechanics of how the question got there don’t really matter, that’s not part of the question, it’s pointlessly pedantic to pick it apart. Just imagine the scenario with the mechanics you can consider plausible for such a scenario, and roll with it 🤦
“Aliens have technology beyond our means and largely render radio communication impossible by way of jamming”
Connectors come loose, which makes them dangerous.
They are uninsulated points that allow water and material ingress, and can partially or fully pull apart, causing arching. Which can cause combustion.
This is the main reason these are dangerous, which the majority of this entire thread misses. The added length or connector resistance is somewhat negligible here unless you’re daisy chaining long conductors, which often isn’t the case for in-home extensions.
Distance by itself would be no different than a single cord of the same length.
However, connection points are areas of localized resistance where connectors meet. This can introduce dangerous areas.
That said, those aren’t really the problem here:
The practical, human, problem here is important. Connectors come loose, which makes them dangerous. The majority of this thread is treating this question like a paper test problem, when in reality there are other factors that outweigh the “under ideal circumstances” problem.
Is it just me or is anyone else perturbed that the cable sizes in this infographic are all the same gauge?
If you’re not willing to engage in good faith, intelligent, discussion, please consider leaving the platform and making it a better place for the rest of us.
“I couldn’t be assed to read the article nor understand the problem, but I will assert my God given right to an ignorant opinion on it regardless”
Isn’t what this platform needs.
Unfortunately it won’t, assuming Lemmy grows.
Lemmy doesn’t get targeted by bots because it’s obscure, you don’t reach much of an audience and you don’t change many opinions.
It has, conservatively, ~0.005% (Yes, 0.005%, not a typo) of the monthly active users.
To put that into perspective, theoretically, $1 spent on a Reddit has 2,000,000x more return on investment than on Lemmy.
All that needs to happen is that number to become more favorable.
Heuristics, data analysis, signal processing, ML models…etc
It’s about identifying artificial behavior not identifying artificial text, we can’t really identify artificial text, but behavioral patterns are a higher bar for botters to get over.
The community isn’t in a position to do anything about it the platform itself is the only one in a position to gather the necessary data to even start targeting the problem.
I can’t target the problem without first collecting the data and aggregating it. And Lemmy doesn’t do much to enable that currently.
After nearly a year of Kagi. It’s actually painful when I’m on a device with just Google.
Would recommend if you are a knowledge worker or researcher, or just in a technical field.