Same diseases. They absolutely have ecoli and salmonella.
Same diseases. They absolutely have ecoli and salmonella.
I’m pretty sure according to the post he already lost.
That’s not true.
It would depend on the extent of the burn if you get sent home, but yeah the wound would need to stay covered. I’ve had very small 3rd degree burns that didn’t require any professional medical attention.
You should tell those kids to get off your yard.
You’re absolutely correct!
Bluetooth has a pretty good range and low power consumption.
It’s soap operas for men.
You could offload that to a phone, though.
Please explain your reasoning, because art forgery is definitely a real thing.
I can’t read
Also, some of the great artists work was potentially done by their students, further proving that style can be replicated.
The whole hose is full of liquid. The fuel stops at the handle, not the pump.
Raising the hose does nothing. The handle is where the fuel cutoff is, so at best you get a bit from the nozzle.
The funny thing is that the pump handle is the shutoff valve, so you’ll never get any extra gas from the hose.
We have shampoo and stuff in our guest bathroom, so it’s still definitely possible.
There is a balance, though. Just saying, “Source,” and expecting to be spoon fed information from a stranger on the internet is just as bad.
Like, if I was dubious about a claim, I wouldn’t trust the person making the claim to give me unbiased sources, so I research it myself. Trying to be a pedantic ass is a large part of why I’m knowledgeable on so many subjects.
In fact, I’ll only ask for a source if I know they can’t provide one.
They aren’t right. OCR has been a thing for like 50 years.
Yeah, this is something LLMs would excel at
I know this is a shit post because the green apple skittles were amazing, and I’m prepared to die on this hill.
Get a smart watch. I have adhd and rarely register notification tones, but my watch vibrating usually gets my attention. You can usually control what apps get to send notifications to it.
I have the garmin instinct and love it, but I do a lot of outdoor activities.