• 1 Post
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: April 10th, 2022


  • You should stop using dictionaries to understand massively complex topics. Dictionaries are useful, but they are not authorities on how complex social systems work. Using dictionaries to support your argument in discussion like this signals you as unserious and unaware of your own unseriousness.

    Mis/Miso is a prefix from Greek meaning hatred. Gyn is Greek for woman. So the word is literally hatred of women. Just like misanthropy is hatred of humans and misandry is hatred of men. However, one of these words also describes a massive social phenomenon that is structural and embedded in social systems including law, employment, art, literature, fashion, policing, war, advertising, incarceration, health care, politics, education, social norms, cultural traditions, etc. Want to guess which one of these 3 words that describes? Hint - the answer isn’t in the dictionary.

  • The solution is not centralization, the solution is a protocol. The team at Flattr tried to do something that worked for content, but it was centralized. The team at Ganxy tried to expand the definition of monetize, but it was centralized. If we had a protocol where teams could publish metadata that enabled users to use any data-driven app to generate some form of compensation for the contributors, then we could build all sorts of workflows into package managers that made it easier.

  • It means do not test HOW it is done, only test WHY it is done. Obviously you cannot test an abstract interface, only an implemented one. However, you should not be testing HOW it is implemented. Instead, you should be testing that given X input you get Y output based on the expectations set in the interface.

    For example, take method F(x, y) that is designed to take in an identifier x and use it to fetch you a record from some persistence object y. Testing the interface of F(x, y) would mean testing that given the input x you get what you expect from the persistence object y. Testing the implementation would mean testing that F(x, y) issues a call to a specific method of y. For example, if y has an interface with methods getRecordById, getAllRecords, and searchRecords, testing the implementation means asserting which of these methods gets called (usually with a test using a mock object that can be interrogated in this way). Testing the interface means not caring which of these methods are called when satisfying the request for F(x, y)

  • freagle@lemmygrad.mltoAsk Lemmy@lemmy.world*Permanently Deleted*
    1 year ago

    LOL. Really? You should ask people how they cope with you. IQ is nigh meaningless. The idea that other people don’t understand you because you’re smarter than them is ridiculous. People don’t understand you because of lots of reasons, but intelligence is usually not one of them. Intelligence generally makes it easier for others to understand you, because you can solve the problem of communicating better.

    The idea that being intelligent makes your way of life unintelligible to people who are not as smart as you is even more absurd.

  • Every country has influence on the politics of every other state. You are projecting your own Euro-centric atrocities onto Russia. Which countries have violently destroyed the most national movements for independence? Which countries have violently dominated and imposed occupation on the most people in the world? Hint: it’s not Russia. It’s the member states of NATO. Spain, France, England, The Netherlands, Portugal, and their bastard child the USA. If you want to ensure nations can operate independently you should not be supporting the US as it continues it’s decades long hot, cold, and proxy war against Russia.

    The idea that you think Russia has no stake in what other countries do means you think about national security like a feudal lord. All we need is a big castle and keep to ourselves, right? Unfortunately, that isolationist fantasy does match reality, nor does it matter the understanding of politics and national defense that has guided world politics for over a century. All security is mutual. Everyone in the security world knows this. Russia’s demands for national security, like ALL demands for national security, requires mutualism in the security structure. And since the dismantling of the USSR, that mutualism has been missing. The imperialist genocidal US along with the imperialist and genocidal European powers made it very clear for decades that Russia’s security doesn’t matter, only their security does. This is quite literally the exact same structure as a hot war and invasion of Russia, just earlier in the sequence.

    Russia’s attempts to negotiate for peace since it’s emergence from the USSR have been spurned. At some point, the West must see consequences, they must see that Russia will not appease them. There must be something to negotiate with. You seem to understand this for Ukraine, demanding that Ukraine be sent all the weapons and soldiers needed to completely destroy the Russian military before you think it’s legitimate to negotiate, but you think Russia should just do nothing while the genocidal imperialists continue their 600-year project of total global domination up to and including nuking civilians and undermining MAD so that they can do it again?

    Face it. You’re a hypocrite. You’re projecting your white imperialism onto other nations to deflect from the actual threat in the world being your home community. And you are applying both arguments from ignorance and double standards to maintain your dissonance and rationalize your Russophobia and support for the most violent regime the world has ever suffered under.

  • Russia never negotiated in good faith? Really? You think this is aclaim you can reasonably make while the US and Europe behave the way they do? Like, where does this claim even come from except Western moralizing and Russophobia?

    LOL, interpol is your example? The US has threatened to militarily invade The Hague if any US person is ever brought to trail at the International Criminal Court, but they constantly invole the court and call for the arrest of world leaders. And you think Russia is the one harassing opposition aboard? You are grasping at straws to rationalize your irrational and hypocritical position.

    NATO is the problem here. The Third Reich was founded on the strategic objective to destroy the USSR and dominate Russia and the Slavs the way US dominates the indigenous nations on the land it stole from them. When the USSR destroyed 80% of the Third Reich, the most advanced military ever deployed at that point, and marched through all of the territory they had taken, liberated that territory, and then took Berlin, the allies of the USSR who were focused entirely on maintaining capitalist Imperialism and the violent dominance of 80% of the world, the capitalist built a new nuclear transmilitary force explicitly to contain and ultimately destroy the workers’ state.

    And since the Nazis spent all their time fighting and losing to Russia, the US decided to staff NATO with Nazi officers, because destroying socialism was the most important thing. The Third Reich’s industrial genocide was merely an extension of the US’s eugenics programs which continued to sterilize undesirable people through the 1970s (eg, a full third of Puerto Rico was sterilized).

    When the USSR was ultimately dissolved by capitalists looking to join the Euro-centric capitalist world order, the US brought Milton Friedman economists to the region and designed and implemented economic shock therapy to bring capitalism to the region. Doing so killed 10 million people.

    So now we have millions dead because of the West, and the threat NATO was built and staffed with Nazis to defeat is gone, but what happens? NATO stays, changes it’s mission to countering Russia, and the cold war continues while the US on one side is saying they welcome Russia back to capitalist world and on the other side maintain Russiophobix propaganda, are working to undermine MAD, and killing millions of people in the former republics through economic devastation.

    And then the US votes every single time at the UN against condemning Nazis. They say Ukraine is never going to be in NATO and then make plans to get Ukraine back in the early 90s, negotiating in bad faith, literally lying in negotiations. And then they take this defensive alliance and use it to bomb Yugoslavia with depleted uranium bombs under the lie of humanitarian intervention.

    And you think Russia is acting in bad faith?

  • The fucking Europeans moved their navies in to defend the KMT and made it clear that they wanted to work with the KMT because Europe was anti-communist. It’s not merely that the PLA couldn’t take Taiwan.

    The idea that because Taiwan was part of the ROC and therefore is legitimate because it still is is so fucking ridiculous I don’t even know where to begin. Let’s maybe start with the White Terror that history books say started when the KMT declared martial law on the island but doesn’t include the killing of 18k people on the island who rose up to fight the KMT. Why would that have happened if they were all just part of the ROC and everything was fine and continuous? Why would the White Terror last 40 years of it was just everyone on the island was totally fine being part of this continuous ROC you imagine in your delusion? Why would the KMT need to spend decades killing dissidents?

    You can put your version of events into your needle and inject it straight into your track marked arms. You live off delusional coping mechanisms that allow you to maintain your self-concept as one of the good ones who sees and understands the true evil in the world.