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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023

  • if this is your first time doing a big trip together, honestly, forget about it being prefect. it won’t be, and that’s ok. trips don’t need to be perfect to be meaningful, in fact, i’ve found the opposite to be true. the more wild and unexpected the adventure is, the more memorable and important it becomes to me.

    so I’d say it’s best to keep an idea of things you’d like to see or do, but also be flexible and willing to adapt. traveling with someone that forces everyone to stick to a rigid itinerary is never fun and is a good way to ruin the trip. all it takes is one lost bag or one missed train to throw all your careful planning out the window. better to roll with the punches than self destruct when that happens.

  • hatedbad@lemmy.sdf.orgtoGeneral Discussion@lemmy.world*Permanently Deleted*
    11 months ago

    have you ever considered that the whole “left”, “right” “center” labels are meaningless to real people? they’re a tool of the same MSM you mention to make people think there’s more of a divide than there is.

    sure there are ideologies that those labels can roughly categorize, but real people with real opinions rarely fit neatly into simple categories

  • assuming you have a GNU toolchain you can use the find command like so:

    find . -type f -executable -exec sh -c '
    case $( file "$1" ) in (*Bourne-Again*) exit 0; esac
    exit 1' sh {} \; -print0 | xargs -0 -I{} cp {} target/

    This first finds all executable files in the current directory (change the “.” arg in find to search other dirs), uses the file command to test if it’s a bash file, and if it is, pipes the file name to xargs which calls cp on each file.

    note: if “target” is inside the search directory you’ll get output from cp that it skipped copying identical files. this is because find will find them a free you copy them so be careful!

    note 2: this doesn’t preserve the directory structure of the files, so if your scripts are nested and might have duplicate names, you’ll get errors.

  • no, and that’s be a pretty bad idea, you’re opening up all your internal hosts to the public internet.

    a VPN is specifically designed to keep all your internal hosts off the public internet. When you authenticate with the VPN server the remote device you are using effectively “joins” the internal network, using the VPN to act like a tunnel between you and your network.

    it has the benefits of better security as well as the fact that once you set it up, you can access any services you host, not just HTTP ones.