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Cake day: July 13th, 2023


  • hesusingthespiritbomb@lemmy.worldtoRisa@startrek.websiteBait
    5 months ago

    Thanks for that last part.

    The reason I immediately jumped to the bullying is because I feel like I’ve seen this story a million times. Someone loudly proclaims some extremely popular moral opinions. In the process, they then proceeded to insult whatever morally defunct out group.

    At first it seems great. After all, bigots/Nazis are horrible people that need to be put in their place.

    However, over time, the definition of bigot/Nazi widens to the point where it essentially becomes meaningless, while the vitriol towards whatever group becomes more and more unhinged.

    I remember on reddit there was a sub called justneckbeard things. It started by roasting toxic neck beards. However by the end they’d just be posting pictures of obese nerds, making wild and completely unfounded moral assumptions, and then using those assumptions as a justification to bully people.

    I honestly don’t think most of the people complaining about bigots are here to protect tolerance. I think they’re just toxic people who enjoy being cruel.

  • hesusingthespiritbomb@lemmy.worldtoRisa@startrek.websiteBait
    5 months ago

    Ffs. Let’s look at this thread.

    The top comments are by far just assholes. They dismiss and demean people like high school bullies. They are overly cruel, and blatantly attempt to justify that behavior like pretending their targets are just deplorable who deserve to be treated like this.

    I find it disingenuous that you focus on the comments downvoted to hell and completely handwave away this obviously shitty behavior.

  • hesusingthespiritbomb@lemmy.worldtoRisa@startrek.websiteBait
    5 months ago

    Please explain to me, in detail, how the people responding to my comments aren’t being overly aggressive, outright hostile, extremely dismissive, and overall disrespectful.

    The main dude responding to me immediately called me a bigot, and is in other parts of this post is “joking” about how bigots should be burned. When I pointed out that was kinda fucked, he made a “joke” that I was a sexual deviant.

    This is high school bully behavior. You guys are bullies who tag people are problematic to justify shitty behavior.

  • hesusingthespiritbomb@lemmy.worldtoRisa@startrek.websiteBait
    5 months ago

    Okay so you’ll notice I didn’t have any specific criticisms of discovery listed, and people in this thread are calling me a bigot, dismissing my opinion, and being general assholes to me.

    There also is someone who comes in, implied that the legitimate criticisms that have nothing to do with identity politics are BS and the real reason OP doesn’t like Discovery is that they are a bigot.

  • hesusingthespiritbomb@lemmy.worldtoRisa@startrek.websiteBait
    5 months ago

    Oh ffs can we cut this crap?

    Yes, there are legitimate bigoted Star Trek fans. It’s the Internet. You can find an abundance of any extreme niche. I’m honestly willing to bet I could find an abundance of furry star Trek fans fairly easily also, despite furries as a whole being vanishingly rare in real life.

    However it’s a lot more common to see legitimate criticism of Star Trek painted as bigotry, often by people who clearly aren’t really that big fans of the series.

    You couldn’t criticize Discovery for the first year it came out without being called a bigot, and a lot of the people doing so would clearly have 0 idea about the greater Star Trek universe. I remember reading a multitude of comments calling Burnham the first female Captain or first black captain, saying how female senior officers were quiet and unassuming until Tilly came along, and a bunch of other shit that was objectively wrong.

    I feel like most implied accusations of bigotry these days are low faith effort attempts to stifle criticism by newer fans who just can’t handle criticism. It’s exhausting and super toxic.

    Finally Lower Decks is a grabbag of woke tropes but was met with widespread and is the most popular NuTrek among hardcore fans. That should tell you something more is going on.

  • I can argue that everyone on Only fans is a pornstar, just that some are softcore pornstars. On the flip side some are prostitutes.

    Twitch IMO is fucked up in a different way. This is a platform that pre-pubescent children frequently use. Allowing for nudity essentially creates a pipeline where kids hit puberty, form parasocial relationships with pornstars, and get unhealthy ideas about women.

    Like in the past there used to be a lot more of a disconnect. Like if you went on pornhub, you were explicitly going to watch porn. The porn videos were well known to be completely over dramatized to the point where it can’t be taken as a realistic depiction of sex. The porn stars were explicitly porn stars. You had no idea about their personality and there was no concept of getting an emotional connection to them. There also was a general acknowledgement, even among the most liberal circles, that sex work was incredibly unhealthy.

    Nowadays all of this shit is not only normalized to an insane degree, but the line between fiction and reality has been blurred to an insane degree.

    Every time this comes up someone says “Oh what’s the harm? PRUDE”. There are some things that are harmful in ways that are difficult to explain, and not at all immediately clear. I feel like our current sex culture is a good example of that.