I think this looks great. I’m not going to run a 20 foot USB cable accross my living room so wireless is pretty much a must. I think the only concern I have is if it discharges if I store it and if so what the bringup time would be.
I think this looks great. I’m not going to run a 20 foot USB cable accross my living room so wireless is pretty much a must. I think the only concern I have is if it discharges if I store it and if so what the bringup time would be.
Ukraine was the 3rd largest nuclear power in the world, and is famous for it’s history with nuclear energy.
The issue here is that them starting the enrichment process is grounds for the start of WW3, and they wouldn’t complete the effort in time to offensively defend themselves. You’d have to give them entirely complete nukes and even that would just mean it’s nuke launchin time for a number of folks.
Every year they relaunch classic EverQuest time locked progression. They did that long before WoW did and WoW hired their studio lead to help them improve their implementation of it.
I’m not recommending it, just saying you could still go experience it today. I’d maaaaybe recommend it over Pantheon but it is close.
It’s EverQuest. If you liked Classic/Kunark era EverQuest then you might like this game. The gameplay is very simplistic and heavily leans into you needing to manually go out and build a group of people that have the right classes. You go to an area and kill the same mobs over and over for a couple hours and hope you get something neat or a level.
It’s a 100% perfect addition to THE core combat light puzzle platformer games. It also has an age range of 0-99 by both having cute jokes and references that would appeal to older folks while never being even remotely offensive.
Also yea, what else was there? Closest was make Wukong which primarily crushed the market because it again proved that the new or smaller studios can absolutely give a better AAA experience than the big studios these days by focusing on delivering a game not a storefront
Instead of playing games, go outside, touch grass, undergo the series of organ implantations that are required to become a Space Marine. The only thing holding you back is yourself.
Same could be said for any game. The value mostly of a game is the controlled progression with little impact. If I go start power washing the driveway and then stop at a moments notice to go take a shower and head to work I’m gonna leave a giant mess laying around and a half done driveway.
I mean the issue with TikTok is that they give the data and videos over to the Chinese government to be able to mass process it and search for vulnerabilities or enable social engineering attacks on the US government.
Meanwhile Twitter/X is totally different in that they give the data and videos over the US government to be able to mass process it and search for vulnerabilities or enable social engineering attacks on US citizens.
Middle school kids he mighta done nothing wrong at all. Those kids at that age are terrors and will oust people from a friend group for the dumbest reasons imaginable.
Sucks because that person may have done everything right and years later still can’t trust people or open up to them.
I crushed it and have the American Dream. My experience now is, I’m surrounded by old people, trustfund kids, and people who broke themselves to get ahead.
I have to raise my kids knowing that 80% of their classmates have no chance and hope they luck out and also fall in love with a career path that pays well. All of my friends I grew up with are in a constantly struggle, none of them will own a house. I have friends with PTSD from serving in the military and even with the VA loan option and GI bill they will be lucky to own a house by 50 if ever.
I can’t even talk about my life, my struggles are meaningless compared to those around me. I feel like an outsider in America because I actually did what everyone says is the goal and it is wild to me. I’d give it up in a heartbeat just to feel like I was in a community of equals I felt safe to raise a family around.
I get it, and I agree that most people are not in the right job. This is a big part of why folks want things like a higher minimum wage and socialized healthcare. People often are stuck in jobs because they NEED something from that job and are unable to look around. Then on the other side, sometimes folks find their calling but it pays $9 an hour and they feel a need to try to do better.
I work with a lot of folks for example that got into management because they think that is what you do. They hate the job, they miss writing code, they are awful managers. It’s a very backwards way of living your life.
I am just trying to talk to an ideal and real scenario here. The idea that all jobs suck and that is life is exactly what keeps people down. That is the lie folks believe that keeps them from seeking peace and contentment. We gotta fight that even if we also know that it isn’t easy to find a spot and when you do it might not be viable with the rest of your life.
I am saying yes they would, yes I would. You entirely can find a job that is something you want to do and also not your hobby. Most things folks want to do are someone’s job.
The only place I can accomplish the tasks I’d like to accomplish are at my work. Some tasks are so large that they not only require many many people who wouldn’t normally choose to work together, but a regular flow of resources from others.
People are so lost in capitalism they tie it ALL work to just being money. Even if you remove capitalism, even if you remove money, people still need to work together and resources still need to channel from place to place. Your job wouldn’t go away if money went away. If you look at some of the largest most successful open source free programs in the world, most of the top contributors are all from companies that paid that person a salary for contributing to that code.
Yea, if you want more leftist policies than right, vote and work with Democrats at the federal level and try to get Ranked voting in more places. Exactly like Bernie has. Continue to support your third party in local until they become able to actually get folks elected to even a Senate post. As long as the Green Party can’t even manage to get the most hippy district in the nation to get a single House Rep elected you might as well just cast your vote for Bob Ross.
The intent is to make the distributed version more true to the real original. None of us got to see the original. The original is a bunch of data on various machines. What we saw was a low quality save file of the original, cut down and watered down to the specs of 4:3 CRT televisions and broadcast hardware of the time. That version develops artefacts not intended when distributed on modern media.
Now this probably isn’t using original source files but it is possible. Remaster as a term also is used when they take the final master copy and rerun it through more modern technologies to get a cleaner output which is what I expect happened here.
Remaster doesn’t change the original art or animation. Sometimes it is a rerender of original source files. Sometimes it is a treatment of the existing master files. It just adds fidelity to the picture and sometimes audio. Fixes things like low framerate, weird lighting effects, that kind of thing.
Every PC will be using AI as we move forward and thinking they won’t seems as head in the sand to me as thinking the Internet would be a fad. Remember how awful the Internet was in the 80s and 90s? AI is in a similar spot today.
Why would I read a manual when I can ask an AI to summarize it and give me pages so I can confirm? If I’m trying to do a task I know a million people have solved like Python code to translate XLSX and CSV to JSON and back, why wouldn’t I use AI for that?
Trusting AI outright and not reviewing the answers is silly, but doing research with AI is soooo much faster. Also the majority of articles and manuals you find online written in the past year used AI and you can have CoPilot spit it out to you WITH the original sources that the website/blog hides.
The idea that AI isn’t trustworthy is silly, because no one is trustworthy. You should always have been double checking things for yourself, but sitting and struggling through something for 2 days is foolish when AI could do 80% of the work for you in seconds.
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I see this a lot which is wild to me because I feel like S4 felt like it finally was real Star Trek but just rushed and some of the damage to some characters couldn’t be fixed. All the major plot points that make Enterprise relevant to Star Trek happen in S4.
I’m curious where you put Discovery? That is the one I struggle the most with. My primary issue there is that for me I have to actually like and want to be invested in a character but as far as I’m concerned 10 episodes in to Discovery if the ship blew up all hands lost the Federation I can’t think of anyone I’d feel sad for. Enterprise though has Trip and Phlox who are S tier, a few fantastic guest stars, and no character that is bottom bin material to me no matter how much fanfic quality writing they tried to force on T’Pol.