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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: September 24th, 2023


  • You are totally right AND He’s making a valid point with his sarcastic joke of “shut up, nerd!”

    “Nobody cares” means companies dont want to spend money to incorporate it if there’s no demand from consumers.

    Most consumers have no idea what a jpeg even is.

    It won’t be until Apple or someone brands it as an iPeg and claims you have a smol pp if your device doesn’t have it that folks will notice.

    Im reminded of telling folks about shoutcasts and nobody cared. Then apple comes out with podcasts and everyone was suddenly excited about 8 year old streaming tech

  • I second this.

    I have a nextcloud instance on pi4 for personal use and love it.

    It’s not good for live transcoding of video, but works great for calendars, file sharing, photo sharing and music streaming.

    I have a 500 gig SSD for most stuff and a 6TB HDD for backups and archiving.

    I use docker compose to map a folder called archive in my instance to the HDD.

  • Whitey on the moon is certainly a vivid slap to the face, but it isn’t the real cause of sister Nell’s rat bite (Google Gil Scott Heron whitey on the moon if you dont get the reference. It’s seriously awesome and on point and should be required listening in high school)

    The most recent big kicks to the teeth were the 2trillion in tax breaks handed to corporations a few years back and the flood of Insurance company money into politics. Insurance corporations have ruined healthcare and made medical debt a leading cause of homelessness. Political donations have made sure the government doesnt do anything about it.

    The 2 trillion in corporate tax breaks have obliterated funding to public health, rehab and job placement services as well as eliminating millions of jobs in the public services sector. These spur economic growth

    Moon shit is arguably what made microchips, solar panels and thousands of other inventions that seriously funded a great deal of economic growth, getting thousands out of poverty, while simutaneously maintaining our leading military edge and bankrupting Russia’s warchest without murdering millions of people.

    We should focus our opposition on corporate tax breaks and political bribes, not on the miniscule programs that actually do create some jobs… Also, China is making moves to occupy the moon, including the dak side of it. The moon is the ultimate high ground

  • I thin there should be a proper study and maybe proposal to Legalize and lightly-regulate class-A drugs so the Cartel loses their main revenue stream, black market drugs.

    I am pulling this out my butt, but Im betting the main source of capital in the cartel’s economy is wealthy people buying drugs. Poor people too, but Im betting the wealthy addicts with jobs and clean records contribute more.

    If we rerouted those funds to actual tax-revenue-generating jobs the Cartel mightlosee somepowera and our economy wouldn’t be leaking so much money to the illegal drug trade.