Seriously!? You enjoyed surfing the web? Accessing the information superhighway, a completely novel and unprecedented advance in our ability to explore what is effectively the database of all human knowledge? Statements like this reinforce my incredibly niche but deeply held prejudice against “people” like you.
unnecessary antagonism aside, people have fun learning and satisfying their curiosity, and it’s more rewarding when there’s less bloat to slog through
Olivia Nuzzi reposting a story only marginally more ridiculous than her own life
And also the children and innocent bystanders inevitably maimed and wounded when detonating thousands of explosives in densely populated urban areas. Fuck them too, right
It’s probably not what his father wanted
Mental health is not a binary state, you can have bad periods in an otherwise stable life. You’ve made a thousand posts in a month. I’m being completely genuine, I think you need to evaluate whether this is healthy for you.
I think you need to log off for your mental health
It really isn’t any of that, they’re just humorously pointing out confirmation bias which is definitely an issue in discussions like these
1948. The initial invasion and instantiation of an ethno-state that precipitated all future conflicts. No matter how far back we go… just ignore the beginning.
Israeli athletes could be made to compete under a neutral designation similar to Russian athletes.
I don’t like them putting chemicals in the water that turn the friggin’ fish trans!
So are the mines laid upside down to act as a bunker buster and set off remotely?
If they wanted to be absolutely clear, they should definitely use optical fiber over copper
Maybe Satan did the math and saw that having warehouses full of low grade condoms would actually result in lower pregnancy and std rates than if he had opted for fewer, more expensive condoms. After all, a barrier is a barrier and quantity is a quality unto itself.