• 6 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 23rd, 2023

  • I consider myself liberal, but online liberals love to jump to conclusions to find fault and assume the worst in other people’s comments, then accuse them of being one thing or another. It’s like a reflex, it just happens uncontrollably.

    “Oh, you like Downton Abby? Obviously you’re down with British colonialism and the oppression of third world countries.” Or “You liked Alien Romulus? Is that because you enjoy nonconsensual penetration and forced pregnancies?” Or whatever the hell the topic at hand is.

    It’s like a game of virtue-signaling one-upmanship to show, “Look how much better I am than you. I care about this thing you hadn’t ever considered before.”

  • That’s literally the only reason I signed up for Instagram, but over half of my feed has become wholesome videos of people doing arts & crafts, woodworking, cooking, animals, inspiring vignettes, graphic design hacks, and bunch of other things. As cool as those other things are, I just wanted to see boobies.

    And one of the weirdest things about Instagram, is that nudity is banned UNLESS the woman is breastfeeding (and a few other scenarios). So this seems to have spawned a weird sort of genre of what appears to be breastfeeding porn, women who are posting nude videos of themselves while breastfeeding, specifically to get around the nudity ban. It’s kind of weird and exploitative, I don’t really understand why it’s allowed (except for educational purposes, but these videos don’t seem to meet that bar). It’s like, showing breasts is offensive because kids might be able to see nudity and we don’t want kids seeing nude women… unless we film the nudity with kids in it, then that magically makes it ok.

  • I started playing one of the Gacha games a few months back now, Watcher of Realms, I think the only reason I started was because it showed jiggling boobies in a trailer. The name is goofy and the story is almost non-existant, the gameplay isn’t terribly deep, but has some nuances to it, it’s like a tower defense RPG game. It’s kind of dumb as a game because it records your playthroughs of scenarios that you can then use later on to “Auto-fight” for you as you frequently have to grind for different shit. So you basically set the game on auto-pilot and stop playing the game. I’ve been playing for something like 6 months now, but I’ve been committed from the start to never pay a single dime for it and I’ve stuck with that the entire time. Granted, I’ve put way too much time into the game and, if time is money, I’ve wasted a bunch that way, but I’ve never actually paid for anything in currency. Cheap skate 4 life. I honestly don’t know why I keep playing, knowing what the game is setup for, but I still log in day after day.

    I can definitely see how it encourages players to spend money, there’s so many mini-currencies within the game that obfuscate what you need to do to earn this or that hero or get whatever thing you’re trying for, but ultimately the incentive is to buy shit to get further along. In this game though, the rates are so goddamn ridiculous that you’d have to be an impatient jackass to pay the rates they want for simple things that don’t even give any guarantees of better performance in the game. On the one hand, I thing games like this are evil for trying to take advantage of people, but on the other, if you’re that stupid and that rich that you have money to burn on a game like this… maybe throwing your money away on digital stuff isn’t the worse thing you could be wasting your money on (like real world drugs or donating to Trump or something stupid like that). But yes, for kids who haven’t mentally developed yet, there probably should be some sort of protections for them, since they’ll pay for dumb shit at the drop of a hat.

  • I think choice and/or the illusion of choice needs to be there for either side’s fringe elements to have a safe outlet for their frustrations. There needs to be a viable left-leaning party to control potential socialist or communist agitators. If they just completely shut down the Democratic party, then there’s the potential that somebody outside of the control of the aristocratic classes comes to power. Having the Democratic party around gives them a chance to funnel those people through the system and subtly bend them and make them more agreeable to the system. So maybe somebody would’ve been a bomb-throwing anarchist advocating for blowing up the status quo and beheading all the billionaires, but when processed through the Democratic party, maybe they turn into somebody like AOC or Bernie Sanders or something, still willing to work within the system and less likely to advocate revolution.

    I’m still not sure about Trump, he still seems like an abnormality or a glitch in the system. I don’t know if he went AWOL and the aristocracy doesn’t want to move against their own, or if he’s just part of “the plan” to move the country to the Right and having a crazy man-child as president gives them cover to push through all their extreme right-wing policies while everyone else fixates on the latest dumb thing that Trump tweeted. Or maybe it’s all just anarchy and there is no conspiracy of the aristocracy, I don’t know. Trump’s existence just seems like one of those things the TVA would’ve come in and destroyed this whole timeline over.