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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • Nintendo is one of the worst and most unethical companies on the planet. Would be nice if there was a community where people could share their hatred over Nintendo. The 4 horsemen of the apocalypse are basically HP, Apple, Nintendo and Nestlé. Fuck all shitty corporations but fuck those 4 in particular.

    I agree with you on Nestlé, but HP, Apple, and Nintendo don’t even make the top 50 “worst and most unethical companies on the planet”. You need put in companies like Union Carbide India Limited responsible for the Bhopal disaster, the big tobacco companies, a whole bunch of defense contractors, some other agribusinesses, and a bunch of banks.

  • Will art matter when we’re all dead from climate change tho?? I guess everyone has their priorities

    I believe these antics hurt the advocacy for taking climate change seriously. Their vandalism protests confirm in the minds of the opposition that “climate change is fake because the ‘soup throwers’ are the ones driving it.”.

    Its similar to how vegans are dismissed not for their choices in diet but because of how they advocate others to do the same. People that want to go vegan have to do so in spite of the perception the most vocal vegans have created. Instead of accelerating adoption it creates a new barrier. Note, I’m not a vegan. See, I have to say that so I’m taken seriously in this response. That is how bad public perception of veganism is because of its most vocal advocates.

  • I like the end result that ISPs are pushing back on this, but don’t mistake this for altruism on their part.

    Their businesses make money selling internet service. Were they to support cutting off those accused of piracy, they would be losing paying customers. Further, the business processes and support needed for this to function would be massively expensive and complicated. They’d have to hired teams of people and write whole new software applications for maintaining databases of banned users, customer service staff to address and resolve disputes, and so much more.

    Lastly, as soon as all of that process would be in place to ban users for piracy accusations, then the next requests would come in for ban criteria in a classic slippery slope:

    • pornography
    • discussions of drugs
    • discussions of politics the party in power doesn’t like
    • speaking out against the state
    • communication about assembling
    • discussion on how to emigrate

    All the machinery would be in place once the very first ban is approved.