I do still need to sell my iShares and move over to BMO.
I also deleted my account with Microsoft and Nvidia, so that’s Gamepass and GeForce out the window. Boosteroid is an EU alternative cloud gaming platform, which I believe is available in Canada. The only issue I have is that the available games all seem to require Steam. If it’s not available on PSN, Nintendo, GoG, or physically; I’m not buying it.
I feel like I might have made a mistake moving from iPhone to Samsung/Android. I went with the Samsung Flip 6, and I’m not sure if I can switch OS. I have turned off and replaced all Google services, but i believe they are still lurking in the background. I’m not sure what else I can do.
I would love to know if there’s an alternative to Mastercard or Visa.
Sorry, I was joking. I don’t actually think fruit paint ball is safe or productive.