Awesome, thanks so much! I’ll bump this into the projects list 😁
Would this be an overly complex process for those with only some tinkering experience (e.g., I’ve got Linux on my laptop and have a general sense of how terminal/tilix works)? I’ve read the docs but can’t get a sense of the complexity
Oh for sure, just a PSA - once I found out there were cards I wanted some, then found out I couldn’t have them lol
Damn, can’t buy this pack of cards outside the USA
This sounds dangerously like a rule 🤔 🇨🇦
If anything, it makes us legal scholars - if it’s not a written rule, it’s a loophole in the making
Business idea: scotcholate
Second this.
My read on it was that there’s a chance OP is a little over sensitive to the news cycle - happens sometimes. For me, it was the fear of Russia launching a war into N America in the next couple of years, and my family and I getting drafted. Real possibility, low likelihood.
Solution: disconnect from the news for a bit and reconnect with the ppl around you. We aren’t that important on a broad scale, unless one is in an overtly totalitarian country (then ignore my comment lol)
I read a few and didn’t see this. I’m from a smallish town and ended up adopting the community gym. Best decision of my life, saved me from a really rough time. Gymrats are far friendly than their rep gets, most of them are just guys that just wanna bullshit and push shit. A community rec center is also a great option, or a beer league. Just stuff that forces you outside, even when you pull the “but I don’t wannaaaaaa”
Thirdly not op. Prefer them over any of my other sock-tions.
Also also yes
Okay so I forgot how big the sun is and had that absentminded mental picture moment of “oh it would make a big bang as something 3/4s the size of the sun would hit it”…
This picture was a very helpful reminder of just how out to lunch that thought was. Don’t trust your absent thoughts, folks 😅
Ah but you assume I will remember to BUY Chia seeds 😂
Realistically it looks like the majority of my fiber intake is about to become oats and popcorn…
Second on the RAZR+. Get it. Moto is still a solid company, they added some nice touches, and the exterior screen is awesome (if used less than expected). Paid ~1000 CAD on sale.
Only complaint so far is the OEM screen protector is getting a gnarly partial crease after 7 months, but it’s only noticeable on some screens and if you put your finger on it. Should be a warrantied issue I think, but unsure
I did a lot of research and personally found this to be the better option over the Samsung fold (not throwing any shade though).
Edit: also this year’s RAZR+ looks even better than last year’s
IMO, AWD is overhyped. I’ve driven in snowy, hilly terrain in Canada for 16+ years, and the number of times I’ve been truly, call for help stuck is 2. Always FWD and manual.
AWD is more expensive to purchase and maintain, burns more gas and tires, and doesn’t convey that many benefits. The ppl who really need AWD are generally the ones who actually need 4x4, and if you actually need 4x4 it’s for a good reason. Knowing how to drive your car well is more valuable.
Case in point: I once drove up a rocky mountain ski hill on an icy day. There was a rise where everyone was getting stuck, including AWD and FWD drivers. Ppl were helping each other by pushing the cars to get them up/started. I was there for 40 mins, not a single AWD car outdid a FWD car. Trucks with low gear 4x4 made it, with effort.
TLDR: IMO, AWD is more marketing hype than value that benefits the dealership more than the buyer. Save yourself the coin and get good winter tires instead. Stick with the Versa.
A fellow Versa driver
Oh yeah the gap in surplus value is ridiculous, and continues to get worse. Sorry my comment was meant as a lazy “and you too can have $28B” joke 🤣
In addition, there’s a psychological phenomenon where our brains only need the first and last letter of a word in the right place, and all the right letters in between in any order, to suss out a word. Our familiarity with a lngaauge will put it together, so presumably the same is true for healthcare providers’ common words.
Note: I included an example of this in my comment
Okay time to show my ignorance lol. Can you offer a resource on what a sandboxed browser is and what kind of tinkering is required??