I wrote a script and bound it to a key combo so I can draw a rectangle on the screen and map my drawing tablet to that area.

Future improvement: force the mapped area to the same aspect ratio as the tablet. I hope I can find a better way to programmatically get the ratio than running xinput list-devices and parsing out “Size: 160x100mm”.

Bound via bindsym $mod+Shift+t exec ~/.config/sway/tablet-map. Is there a better way to reference the way config directory?

  • NeonWoofGenesisA
    1 year ago

    You could use ${XDG_CONFIG_HOME:-~/.config}, so if the XDG_CONFIG_HOME variable is set, it’ll use that, otherwise defaults to ~/.config.

    This is for the case if the user has defined a custom directory for their configs it’ll point there instead.