Manifestantes dizem ter sido vítimas de violência racista e xenófoba, ameaças de morte e pontapés. Confrontos físicos aconteceram esta sexta-feira à tarde, junto à estátua de D. Dinis, na Universidade de Coimbra, onde decorria uma manifestação pacífica.
Are you getting paid by Zionists to spam that thing about the nation state, it’s really fucking weird
Why would you think I am a Zionist? jfc. You people are braindead.
You don’t judge people based on where they’re fucking born.
Do you know what “nation state” means? Apparently not.
Why’d you downvote me, I didn’t ask what you were, I asked if they were paying you. Clearly your hands are running faster than your brain is.
I downvoted you because it’s an asinine question.