If there was a market for it, it would be made and sold. There isn’t. Same reason there aren’t more prostitutes serving women, more male strippers, or gay bath houses focused on women.
There are a number of women-led porn studios and sites, and the number is growing, not shrinking. The first studio was started less than 20 years ago, if memory serves, so it’s not like it’s had a wildly long time to overtake the booming market.
The difference between those other things you mentioned and woman-directed porn is that men also consume the porn quite readily, because it’s still porn they would want to watch.
If there was a market for it, it would be made and sold. There isn’t. Same reason there aren’t more prostitutes serving women, more male strippers, or gay bath houses focused on women.
It is made and sold though?
There are a number of women-led porn studios and sites, and the number is growing, not shrinking. The first studio was started less than 20 years ago, if memory serves, so it’s not like it’s had a wildly long time to overtake the booming market.
The difference between those other things you mentioned and woman-directed porn is that men also consume the porn quite readily, because it’s still porn they would want to watch.