Too long to fit in the title…

Question: In such timeline, Do you think you would grow up to become pro-government or anti-government? Why?

So, basically, the point of the question is: Do you think your political beliefs are shaped mostly by your DNA, or by the environment you grew up in?

For example: If you are an anarchist in this timeline, would you have been a government sympathizer had you been born in an environment where dissent is suppressed worldwide?

My Answer: Honestly, I’m not sure, but I have a lot of rebellious nature of me, I think that’s just who I am, I think that’s already part of my DNA. I highly doubt I would be pro-government, but probably also be much more afraid of the government in that timeline than in current timeline.

    16 hours ago

    Great question. I have had a similar thought myself once, wondering if evolution extends across the multiverse.

    Since I grew up feeling like I was in an authoritarian government since I was a child (anarchist age 50, USA), I’m going to guess I come out that way in an even more overt authoritarian government 🤣