I tried playing Harvest Moon on the SNES today and having played Stardew Valley for hours, I thought I’d try and see how tolerable the original Harvest Moon was in comparison. I know and understand it is unfair because there’s a 20 year gap between Harvest Moon and Stardew Valley, while also discrediting Harvest Moon’s later entries since there’s more than one.
Harvest Moon to me is a bit hard to revisit. Having to get used to only carrying two tools at the same time, your farm doesn’t seem as big, you don’t have a way to know that you’re tired as readily, you just have to watch for the signs and the village you visit doesn’t seem as characteristic. It’s a basic farming sim, it has to start somewhere.
But Stardew Valley does so many things that it is easier to revisit.
Do the original version of Doom and Doom 2 count? The relatively recent, re-released duology is objectively superior. Also, OpenRCT2 makes classic RCT and RCT2 feel incomplete at best, and outright horrible to play at worst.
do you mean the “doom 1 + doom 2” on steam? because if so, oh boy are you gonna love gzdoom
I’ve known of gzdoom for ages but haven’t gotten around to trying it. I just really like how that duology Steam release because it’s just “pick up and go” with modern resolutions, tweaks and that incredible soundtrack remake.
I actually really like OG Dooms just as much as the new ones. I didn’t play either until just a few years ago so no nostalgia. They are very different and so I don’t feel like they step on each other’s toes too much.
Also OG doom is good if you get bored while opening your fridge because if your fridge door has a screen, it can handle playing OG doom and pass the time it takes waiting for the door to finish opening.
I love that there’s 30 years of free mods to play as well. People just basically never stopped playing doom, which I think is a beautiful thing.
I agree. Doom 1 and doom 2 are like exactly the same fun level as Doom Eternal, just in a different way.
Tbh I didn’t like “Doom (2016)” that much. I’m sure when it came out it was amazing considering doom 3 was the most recent thing, but I played Doom Eternal first and compared to the FUN of eternal, it just doesn’t stand up to the “rip that guy in half then latch on that demon with a flaming chain on my double barreled shotgun so I can use a Lazer balista to shoot that other demons head off while in midair to go chainsaw the flying meatballs eyesocket” of Doom Eternal
Wow yeah, I can say that going from Eternal to 2016 is the “wrong order” since the sequel really _ really_ ups the tempo and ferocity of its predecessor.
I think I prefer 2016 overall, because I’m just like mentally too slow to fully enjoy Eternal. I don’t have those reflexes anymore lol
things like dsda improve the game so much. It’s hard to go back to the original game files.
They aren’t even similar