The International Agency for Research on Cancer identified a possible link between aspartame and a type of liver cancer called hepatocellular carcinoma.
The almost certainly aren’t. Typically the quantities used in these tests are absurd if scaled up to a human. It also very well may not have the same effect in a human.
As long as you aren’t shoveling aspertame into your mouth, it’s almost certainly less than the equivalent amount they tested on these mice.
Quote from the article: “An adult weighing 70 kilograms or 154 pounds would have to drink more than nine to 14 cans of aspartame-containing soda such as Diet Coke daily to exceed the limit and potentially face health risks”
The almost certainly aren’t. Typically the quantities used in these tests are absurd if scaled up to a human. It also very well may not have the same effect in a human.
As long as you aren’t shoveling aspertame into your mouth, it’s almost certainly less than the equivalent amount they tested on these mice.
Quote from the article: “An adult weighing 70 kilograms or 154 pounds would have to drink more than nine to 14 cans of aspartame-containing soda such as Diet Coke daily to exceed the limit and potentially face health risks”
Aka, you’re fine.