This is going to be very age related I think for most folks. Myself blue door after making and taking with me a list of lottery numbers and dates along with major sporting event outcomes and horse races for good measure. Oh also stocks along with buy sell dates and value on those dates.
This is going to be very age related I think for most folks. Myself blue door after making and taking with me a list of lottery numbers and dates along with major sporting event outcomes and horse races for good measure. Oh also stocks along with buy sell dates and value on those dates.
Is that you, Biff?
This guy time travels. That’s what I was thinking too - just stick dates and a few race outcomes would easily translate to more than 10mil.
Why? Just buy bitcoin, and if you somehow butterfly effect away bitcoin, but whatever 3 crypto coins hit the market first.
ugh no. I still don’t want to support climate change like that.