Bonus: Gluten-free play-dough!

    5 months ago

    yes. Celiac disease is usually the one thing we hear people talk about when they can’t eat gluten, so I never thought about alergies with shock response

    • I admit, I made that assumption when I read “gluten”, too.

      Thing is, back in oelden days, people with these sorts of allergies wouldn’t survive long enough to procreate. We’re breeding a species of increasingly fragile people - but that’s what is best about us, IMO: we take care of our weak. With any luck, gene editing will get to the point that it doesn’t matter what genetic defect you were born with; we’ll just tailor a cure, and everyone will have a chance.

      It surprises me there’s a non-cyliac gluten allergy; gluten is what allowed us to create agricultural societies - I thought that’d been bred out long ago.

      “Bred.” Ah-ha. Ah-ha.