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Here’s their promise to never use forced labour for their cocoa.
There’s also the Tony’s open chain: a pledge by many companies (not just eu, also us) to use only ethically sourced cocoa. The companies are: here
I go out of ny way to buy this chocolate (outside EU) as its simply divine compared to American chocolate.
Contrary to conservative beliefs, food made of child slavery doesn’t taste more delicious.
…honestly, I wouldn’t put it past rich bastards like Musk getting off on their food, due to it being seasoned with suffering.
Yikes. It’s garbage quality chocolate.
Everyone should watch John Oliver’s Chocolate episode (as much as is preferred not to link YouTube). Tony’s is discussed, and it’s not great.
That short segment about Tony seems relatively positve.
Tell them to put someone vision abled in the chocolate scoring machine because goddamn they have the worse chocolate scoring ever. Who the fuck wants a circle of a chocolate bar?
i love the funny Tony shapes i love biting into a nice hunk of Ghana
i am definitely going to read this entire comment thread and all its tributaries until i get bored and forget, but also fuck the dutch. fucking badass dike builders when it’s feeling kinda sexy for them
edit fuck the tariffs for fucks sake
I love Tony’s, but they’re also reportedly higher in lead content than other brands.
Valrhona is a solid non-American brand pick from the list of safer chocolate and they’re B-Corp certified. I believe their parents company is French.
When it comes to chocolate you’re often forced to pick your poison, so to speak.
I love Tony’s, but they’re also reportedly higher in lead content than other brands.
Yes, that is because cocoa plants absorb heavy metals from the soil. Tony probably has a higher lead content because they simply use more cocoa. That’s something you can also see if you compare dark chocolate with milk chocolate - dark chocolate will have more lead because more cocoa is used.
The amount of lead is also not a biggie - you’d have to eat such an insane amount of chocolate that you’d die of the sugar intake WAY earlier than from the lead exposure.
I doubt anyone is getting lead poisoning exclusively from eating chocolate, but it’s accumulative in the human body and worth being aware of.
I mean, their 70% cocoa clocks in at 134% the mentiomed safe limit while the 80% cocoa from mast is at 14% (both reportedly for 1 oz of chocolate) according to the previously linked data. If the main determinant was the amount of cocoa, than I would have expected 80% to be higher.
Of course a company could be lying about the cocoa %, or using some type of filler, etc. But it seems plausible that there might be other causes. For example, perhaps some cocoa plantation locations have more lead in their soil, etc.
Tony’s did actually respond to CR, claiming these are not food safety standards. They did not appear to mention why their chocolate had any different levels of lead than other companies, just that leaf is absorbed from the soil.
1: It’s thought to be contamination from the manufacturing and shipping process, as far as I know.
2: There is no safe level of lead intake, and it’s not about lethal dosage. The numbers used are California’s extra-paranoid metrics however. That doesn’t make them wrong, just be aware that you’re being poisoned in so many other ways as well you might as well have some chocolate now and again, it probably won’t be the thing that gives you Alzheimer’s. But it might! You’ll never know! Or remember…
3: Tony’s is still better because all the others are just as bad but with slavery.
Lead and cadmium come from cocoa plants. Tony’s might have more because it has a higher cocoa percentage
It’s most likely from the surrounding environment, and pollution from cars. Countries with shitty regulations are cheap to hire from and their crops are cheaper. The downside? You get lead in your food.
What’s b corp certified?
In the UK, B labs certifies companies they meet their requirements for social responsibility, environmental stuff etc. I don’t know the details but the companies I’ve seen that have B corp status seem to care about doing nice stuff, so I consider it a plus.
This is for dark chocolate only, and the article has them listed as one of the lowest lead brands. Crazy that they’re all so high though, WTF!
A fair point! Didn’t even occur to me since I only bother with the dark stuff lol
They’re the lowest listed of the “high lead content” category. So kind of the best of the worst for it, I suppose.
TIL chocolate can have lead…jfc
Everything has lead.
Fucking woke BS, ChIlD sLaVeRy. Let the childern work, we need Chocolate!
the children YEARN for the nestle mines, we NEED that chocolate
Everyone knows chocolate is hunted! /s
I think chocolate is just the distilled blood and tears of third world children. Wait, that’s nestle only? Damn, it must grow on trees then.
I was under the impression that Tony’s is working towards a chocolate industry without child labor and forced labor. But the issue is quite complex and they’re not there yet.
Not saying they’re bad. It seems that they’re doing what they can and according to their website they “lead by example”. But I’m not sure if they make any promises about a 100% child labor / forced labor free supply chain at this moment.
The above could be outdated, maybe they’ve achieved their objectives for their own supply chain already. But I can’t find it on their website atm.
Previously they claimed no slave labor for many years.
They audited their supply chain every year, but eventually found that no matter the claims of their suppliers and auditors, they were finding instances of child labor.
So they’ve updated their stance and are actively working to change the industry
Here’s an article from 2022 covering the issue
Appreciate the insight, thanks!
I think it used to say “as little slavery as possible” or something like that but I don’t see that written out anymore, just implied.
From the inside of one I just opened:
lead by example
That consumer reports link. YIKES!
It used to say “slave free” (yes, without a hyphen because apparently they know better than 4 translators) but now it says they try to be as slave free as possible.
Did you also learn this information from John Oliver like me?
No I think they were pretty open about it themselves. Don’t watch John Oliver tbh 😅.
He does a great job but it’s all USA focused content
I discovered Tony’s Chocoloney a few months ago, and I really love it. I can get it at my local supermarket as well. Great to see them on here!
Aside from the activism stuff, Tonys just tastes how good chocolate should taste.
yup, my goto these days.
Also it’s pretty good. I didn’t know I liked milk chocolate, because Hershey’s is disgusting. Tony’s is objectively a better tasting product.
Well there’s your problem, in the Netherlands (and other places) Hershey milk ‘chocolate’ isn’t legally chocolate. It needs at least 35% cacao to be called chocolate. It would be called ‘Cacao fantasy’ here instead. So no wonder you think it’s shit chocolate, cause it isn’t chocolate to begin with
For sure, that’s why it tastes like vomit.
Hershey’s chocolate has butyric acid, which is also found in vomit. The acid is allegedly a byproduct, but it helps stabilize the chocolate and prevent it from melting.
I didn’t know I liked milk chocolate, because Hershey’s is disgusting.
Hershey’s is someone LARPing chocolate making. It’s pure disgusting. How people have been eating it for so long is beyond me.
Some of us grew up thinking that was chocolate. Have pity, rather than disdain.
The lies your government have fed you since you were a child are hard to forget. But join us, in the real chocolate world, my child, and we will embrace you with open arms.
Thank you, my brothersister
For Norway: you can buy these at Normal. Much cheaper than getting them shipped.
I hate that my choices are Expensive, Evil, or Doesn’t Taste Good when it comes to so many products.
Which applies for you with this brand? I love the taste, but would admit it’s a fair chunk of my weekly groceries total.
Never bought it, because yes it’s too pricey. I don’t buy chocolate often to begin with, but I’m never willing to try this because it’s so much more than everything else.
I love Tony’s as much as the next guy. However, be aware that a test conducted in 2022 found high levels of lead in Chocolonely Dark Chocolate variant.
Consistent, long-term exposure to even small amounts of heavy metals can lead to a variety of health problems. The danger is greatest for pregnant people and young children because the metals can cause developmental problems, affect brain development, and lead to lower IQ, says Tunde Akinleye, the CR food safety researcher who led this testing project.