Little bro has a fantastic IT career ahead of him.
20% chance little bro grows up into a trans catgirl.
With a fantastic IT career.
Or alternatively Air Force, if he’s not the computer guy
Kid’s cultured, he knows that knotted cock hits different 🥵
Nah, I doubt he’s taking 12 inches at that age
Puss and boots came out in 2011
Post was made in 2023.
Could be a recollected “little brother”.
12 is about the age that I was when all of my male peers/neighbors became super into porn.
I had multiple friend groups turn into “sharing and talking about porn when we’d hang out” which was my introduction to it.
I didn’t like porn with real people or the attitudes presented, and was concerned about infected video players, so I kind of bailed on those groups and stuck to text and drawings which was often easier to verify its safety.
It’s also the age that all the cis girls started getting into anime and hentai and onto 4chan, which was more the direction that I usually found myself ancillary but never welcome. Envious and on the outside looking in, until ponies came around and opened the door.
The one with the wolf came out in 2022
The sketchiness of normal porn sites and the slapdash efforts to keep kids out has primarily served to give anyone with unsupervised internet access some fucking weird fetishes.
Imagination and creative writing unlocks many more possibilities than can be performed on a stage for a camera.
And the best part is: it’s clean and consequence free!
** Consequence warranty does not include self-reflection during moment of clarity.
Which is always good to practice. The more we reflect and think through our actions, the better we get at it. It’s better to push boundaries with simulated environments than ones with real world consequences.
It’s just words.
It builds linguistic, communicative, empathetic, and physical reasoning skills. It provides an arena to challenge and develop ideas and scenaria. It gets people talking and communicating about how they like to play before committing to make themselves more fully vulnerable.
It’s just words.
If we don’t get them talking to each other, they’ll start acting before knowing how to communicate. If they don’t have a safe way to talk with peers, they will be talking to the ai instead. Guess what the ai trained on.
It’s just words, so why don’t we start there?
We’ve gotta get people talking.
Listen. There’s some things where I can explain it, if someone walked in - but I’d rather move to Tibet.
That movie was actually really good, and the wolf villain was very well done IMO. But yeah that’s awkward lol
It really was great. And I did wonder Death Wolf Big Cock so he’s not alone.
Hahaha! "I just happened to see your search history
“I happened to see your search history after clicking the menu and then history and then view history and then export to pdf and then sent it to my personal device and then reviewed it for hours on accident hehe”
Select your address bar and type Portugal.
anon just wanted to share his own search history but was too afraid of saying it was his so he invented a whole story to say it wasn’t his
Poor anon. Now he has to live with the knowledge that his past history has led his little brother to the same tree with the same fruit he ate. That delicious, delicious fruit.
Honestly, if you grew up with the internet from it’s birth, you know there’s a LOT weirder out there. It all just bounces off now that I have all this mental scar tissue built up. Death and guro tame af these days.
aww man i really hoped that would turn into how wholesome the movie actually was (i watched it and it was surprisingly good i would say)
I get link invalid
Your link works fine for me
Works fine for me too now.
scratches head
time to clear search history and leave a note :)
I can’t see the post D:
Any mirror?
Idk try this
Nothing wrong with being a furry <3
(posting this comment just to make sure everyone here agrees)
i think people disagree with the intent of the comment, more than the actual contents of the comment lmao
What is the perceived intent of the comment ?
homie is either, an autistic furry, or we are simply doing nested anon posting.
Nothing in between.
I pray to God every night that my kid doesn’t grow up to be a furry
That’s a bigoted thing to say.
There is nothing wrong with being a furry. Why don’t you want your kid to do whatever makes them happy ?
- It’s not bigoted, furries are not a protected class
- Being a furry is a kind of derangement, not a valid identity
Furries are not hurting anyone - they’re just enjoying themselves and having a good time.
Stuff like that makes the world a nice place to be.
You’re spreading unnecessary hate and being a dickhead. Try enjoying life a bit.
Despite how the furry community has rebranded itself over the last 10-ish years, I’ve been on the internet long enough to know that the very core of the furry community is a sexual fetish about having sex with anthropomorphized animals, and it always has been. People dressing up in big cartoon character costumes does not concern me, but it’s definitely intrinsically tied to a sexual fetish
There is nothing wrong with having sexual fetishes.
Are they hurting anybody ? No
Are they are they different from the mainstream ? Yes, and sometimes when people see something new, they get angry. We shouldn’t get angry, but instead try to be open and cool with it.
Furries are NOT seeking out other people and harassing them. They’re just having fun with likeminded people.
Diversity is good and I’m happy every time I see someone else being happy and enjoying something.
There is, in fact, something wrong with having a sexual fetish for animals