Lol. But on a serious not i know people that got therapy for that and they are completely normal people. Everyone has quirks and pedophilia is also one of them but the problem is when it takes over your rational judgement and you do something you shouldnt. This is why hate the median portayal of pedophiles, while i agree that if you commit such an act that makes you a horrible person but most people with these desires do not commit acts. It should be viewed as any other medical condition, it can be treated. There are also other philias which are lets say less harmfull to other people but are self destructive and you can go to therapy for them as well. The hardest part is starting therapy and realizing youre not alone and you shouldnt be judged for something that is out of your control. This is why im saying people who do commit ARE and should be treated as criminals as they choose to comit the act even if they didnt chose the desire. Hope im not gonna get downvoted to fucking oblivion.
I have always felt bad for ‘non-practicing’ pedophiles. It must be a horribly lonely thing to go through. Not only are you universally hated, but you have desires and longings you can -never- act on, a need that can -never- be fulfilled. Add to that the isolation… it must be hell. And all because of something they can’t change. And the worst thing about it is that the hatred is so understandable. Where someone’s kids are involved, of course they won’t take any risks. Of course they’re going to lash out at anything and anyone that might be dangerous. It’s a visceral thing.
But you’re right. This idea that every pedophile wants to rape kids is probably very damaging. Not just to the pedophiles themselves, but also the kids around them. When you push someone into a secret corner where they can’t talk to people about their issues, where they can’t be honest, can’t get help… you’ll only make sure that some of them don’t look for help, when they might have otherwise. Someone with nothing to lose is more dangerous than someone with some social net.
Maybe I would feel different if I had kids myself, but I have always approached it from a rational point of view. Does every heterosexual guy rape women? Does every heterosexual woman rape men? Does every gay man rape men? No, of course not. Being attracted to someone obviously doesn’t mean you will end up raping them. Especially when romantic feelings are involved… most people don’t want to hurt the people they’re in love with. So why assume that every pedophile rapes children? I am no expert, but I assume there are way more people with these feelings than we would like to know. Luckily most humans have some sort of self-control.
You worded it very well. I also think that much more people have pedophilia than you would think at first. Thats one of the reasons why i think so many rich people take part in diddy and epstien parties. If you never got help, and have so much money that you feel untouchable, you will take advantage of people around you because there are no repercussions.
i’m happy to see more people having a proper think about this, and getting rid of the learnt reaction to just say “kill all pedos”. Years ago i came to the same conclusion - that ostricising and shaming people who struggle with pedophilic desires is simply not a good idea, it pushes those individuals into isolation, and could result in them bottling up their urges so desperately that one day they become too strong.
there’s nuance in everything, and compassion is important. i’d rather have a friend who felt safe telling me about their pedophilic desires, so i could support them in therapy. than a friend too afraid to tell anyone, and fighting the unwanted desires alone
This^ but I often badly word it 😂
Or you’re like me and think you’re a pedophile because you don’t like men or women sexually. I’m just asexual. Thanks therapy!
Oof thats rough bur happy you go over that!
You’re not far off. As a parent, the idea of someone sexualizing my kids in any way makes me seethe. Like there are people I wouldn’t let my kids be alone with for a second just because they give me bad vibes.
But I do have to concede that it’s a psychological thing that people have, even if I wish they didn’t. I have to imagine that if anyone got to choose, then they certainly wouldn’t opt for that. I agree that the “kill your local pedo” mentality drives these people into the shadows where they won’t seek help, and may actually victimize kids. I just don’t know if I have the ability to look at someone with that mindset and be totally free of judgement, even if they do seek help.
I’m a parent too, and here are my thoughts on this. I would rather knowingly live next to a pedophile - someone who outs themselves and goes to therapy - than not knowing about whether or not my neighbor has ever had such tendencies. I wouldn’t forbid them from having contact with my child, if they are sure it is not too hard for them, and obviously, keep them supervised. (I have barely ever left my child with another adult outside of the kindergarten setting though.) As was commented above, pedophilia is a valid and incredibly unfortunate, isolating and lonely sexual orientation and a disorder that can be treated, if not “cured”. I wholeheartedly agree with what you said about society’s hostile mentality driving people into the shadows and keeping them from seeking help.
I also want to point out that the majority of minor sex offenders (sorry I can’t remember the correct term, English isn’t my first language) has no pedophilic tendencies. A lot of sexual assault happens not because of attraction but because of power, dominance, violence, control. It’s something so important to keep in mind. Your local pedo might be the nicest and most harmless guy, while some other, heterosexual and “normal” oriented person in your neighborhood might have actually assaulted a child. Not having pedophilic tendencies does not mean a person won’t commit pedophilic acts.
In a way, my heart goes out to pedophiles. I can’t imagine how incredibly lonely it must be to have a desire for intimacy only with people who you will never, under any circumstances, be allowed to touch. You will never be able to act on your desires. You will never be allowed to live like yourself, be yourself fully. This must be hell. Even without the witch hunt. The least we can do as a society is to offer all the help and support we can get.
(It goes without saying - fuck all sexual offenders.)
I totally understand your point of view as well. You cannot expect someone to be rational when their kids or family is on the line. Its the same reason for why the victims family doesnt have a say in the sentencing of the offende.
That’s when you should expect it more. Mistaking what is and isn’t a threat creates danger, also for the family, that needn’t be there.
I remember, back in middle school, reading about this guy who requested to be on the sex offender list because he noticed as he got older that the age group he was interested wasn’t changing. He started feeling attraction in middle school, towards middle schoolers, and it never changed.
Imagine my fear when I started feeling attraction to people in middle school lol.
But in any case, yeah. There are some people who notice they have a gross aspect about them and they go and fuckin do something about it. I’m a narcissist. I have a superiority complex. I have all sorts of issues and I’m super honest about them and I try to fight them in my head every day.
Don’t worry, the rest of us know you’re not superior, so we will hold the truth for you! But good on you for taking that bull by its horns.
(tongue is in cheek btw)
I feel prouder to be on Lemmy every day!
It’s posts like this that make me regret ever being on reddit
Well that’s one way to destroy somebody’s reputation. Do this on twitter @ fElon with the same text.
I get shit on every time I bring up Evangelion and the fan art community.
They are explicitly 14 years old, people. Relax.
It’s because of kowuru is very homoerotic towards shinji, people are obsessed
And gets -4
Just 2 r/teenagers users
Ah yes. The illustrious r/playboicarti.
I would hang myself
In all seriousness though, therapy is available for all paraphilias, including pedophilia.
If you, reader, are one, get help. Life isn’t over and you’re not inherently a danger.
If you can’t get professional help, mutual support online communities are available as well.
You’re worthy as you are, just don’t cross this particular line and don’t become an offender.
I feel like online forums are monitored by by the authorities, so they don’t bother going online. And many medical/mental forum will ban this type of discussion immediately too.
Many are afraid indeed, but others are brave enough.
Besides, many of such forums allow Tor users and may even have .onion mirrors available.
I’m shooting myself
First it was hanging, now it’s shooting. Make up your mind. It might help to first get your head out of your ass though.
Why waste bullets?